Items Management

The Items Management options let you customize implementation management and generation mode for Planning Structure.

This page discusses:

Implementation Management

Use same item reference to implement multi-instantiated parts
This option allows you to use the same item reference to implement multi-instantiated parts.
Note: This option's behavior changes according to whether the DELMA_GetMfgItemReferenceToUse_ID business logic from Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup User's Guide: Customization by Business RulesInstallation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup User's Guide: Customization by Business Rules is used.

By default, the check box is cleared.

If the check box is selected, two search options are available. Select the required option:

  • Search for Implementing Item in Session:

    • If the mentioned above business logic is not used: the system searches in the session for a Manufactured Item implementing another instance of the given part instance. If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. Otherwise, it creates a new Manufactured Item reference.
    • If the business logic is used: the system calls it.

      • If the business logic returns a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. If it returns a type, the system creates a new Manufactured Item with the requested type and instantiates it.
      • If the business logic does not return anything, the system searches in the session for a Manufactured Item implementing another instance of the given part instance. If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. Otherwise, it creates a Manufactured Item item reference.

  • Search for Scoping Item Everywhere

    • If the mentioned above business logic is not used: the system searches in the database for a Manufactured Item scoping the reference of the given part instance.
      • If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it.
      • If nothing is found in the database, the system searches in the session for a Manufactured Item implementing another instance of the given part instance. If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. Otherwise, it creates a new Manufactured Item reference.
    • If the business logic is used: the system searches in the database for a Manufactured Item scoping the reference of the given part instance.
      • If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. If it finds several manufactured items, the system keeps only the ones corresponding to the context. If there are still several Manufactured Items, it keeps only the first one.
      • If nothing is found in the database, the system calls the business logic. If it returns a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. If it returns a type, the system creates a new Manufactured Item with the requested type and instantiates it.
      • If the business logic does not return anything, the system searches in the session for a Manufactured Item implementing another instance of the given part instance. If it finds a Manufactured Item, the system reinstantiates it. Otherwise, it creates a new Manufactured Item reference.

Create Item-Product Scope on automatically created Provided Part or Continuous Provided Material
This option allows you to add Item-Product scope links to the created reference of each automatically created provided part or Continuous Provided Material. This allows the reuse of this reference in all commands creating an implement link on a part.
Note: This option is not applied if the DELMIA_GetMfgItemReferenceToUseFromScopingItems_ID business logic returns a type of item to create and specifies that one scope or no scope must be created.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Reconnect operations when implemented item is moved
This option allows you to automatically reconnect the implement link of an operation on a moved item. The implementing operation and the implemented item must be in the same session.

Consider the following cases:

  • The moved item stays in the same System-Item scope and everything is loaded. In this case, the implement link is reconnected.
  • The moved item stays in the same System-Item scope and only this scope is loaded. In this case, the implement link is reconnected.
  • The item stays in the same System-Item scope and this scope is not loaded. In this case, the implement link is not reconnected.
  • The item moves outside the System-Item scope. In this case, the implement link is not reconnected, whether the scope is loaded or not.
  • The item moves with an effectivity split. In this case the implement link is not reconnected: it is kept on the split item.

By default, the check box is selected.

Control (block) reassignment on parent level if parts are already linked to child items
This option allows you to reassign a control (block) on the parent level if parts are already linked to child items.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Search for an assignable parent
This option allows you to automatically search for an alternative when the object you drop on an item cannot be assigned. The first assignable parent in the structure is suggested as alternative in the confirmation dialog box.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Compute Resulting Product as Evolution of Engineering Part
This option allows you to compute a resulting product for any type of item, with or without children (such as Provided Part and Transform), that is linked to a product by an implement link.
If the check box is selected, the resulting product is an evolution of the implemented product part.
If the check box is cleared, the resulting product is a new product reference aggregating an instance of the implemented product part.

By default, the check box is selected.

Apply assignment filter at one level
When selected, this option allows you to restrict assignment filters to the first child level only.

By default, the check box is selected.

Create partial Item-Product Scope on first upper Item-Product Scope when creating an Item
Select this option to automatically create a partial Item-Product scope link on the first upper Item-Product scope when creating an item reference.
You can use the partial scope link to define a context to build the engineering occurrences to implement, and when an MBOM item does not have any equivalent reference on the engineering side.
  • A partial scope link can be deleted but cannot be modified.
  • The partial scope link is not created when:
    • There is no upper scope found (or not loaded in the session).
    • The item holds a scope (in the case of the automatic generation of the MBOM).
    • It is an item of the following types: Provide, Transform, Mark, Annotate, Machine, Drill, Pre Drill, No Drill, Cut, Grind, Bevel, Split,Continuous Provided Part, Fasten, Unfasten.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Resulting Products

Automatically load Resulting Products
If this option is selected, the resulting products of the items are automatically loaded in the session when you open the app.

By default, this check box is selected.

Generation Mode for Industry

Select the required option:

This option allows you to create and update a Manufacturing Assembly with part assignments.
This option allows you to create a skeleton structure. A product structure is loaded without any parts, that is, with no 3D representation of the parts.
Advanced user
This option allows you to create and update a Manufacturing Assembly according to a number of proposed options.

By default, the Advanced User option is selected.

Working under the authority of an action
This option is specific to the Create/Update Manufacturing Assembly command in the app.

Working under the authority of an action implies that a variability space is associated to all the references of the structure. In this case, an effectivity can be defined on each instance.

The variability space can be different on the various references of the structure. It cannot be associated automatically (using the same one as the parent, for example) because it cannot be modified once it is associated.

If the check box is selected, this option lets you manage a single level of the structure (reference with variability space and its child instances only) and define the effectivities.

By default, the check box is cleared.


Copy model from Product to Item
Select this option to copy the configuration model from the product to the item when creating a scope link.
Copy model from parent to child item
Select this option to copy the configuration model from the parent item when creating a child item.

By default, no check box is selected.

Resulting Product Panel Management

Default Value for Enterprise Item
Specify the default value of the Enterprise Item column in the Manage Resulting Product panel when assigning a resulting product with the Set Resulting Product or Compute Resulting Product commands.

By default, the selected option is No.

Default Value for 3D Overload
Specify the default value of the 3D Overload column in the Manage Resulting Product panel when assigning a resulting product with the Set Resulting Product or Compute Resulting Product commands.

By default, the selected option is Yes.

Disable Resulting Product computation
Select this option to hide the Compute Resulting Product and Update Resulting Product commands in the Manage Resulting Product panel.

By default, the check box is cleared.