
The General options let you customize routing options for .

This page discusses:

Spec driven preferences

Force usage of spec definition

Select this option to force the usage of pipe/tube specification. If this option is selected, then the specification of the selected route will be retrieved and the resource table of that specification, set in the Data Setup will be used.

By default, this option is not selected.

Part placement preferences

Need to perform compatibility checking during part placement
If this option is selected, the compatibility rules are checked when placing parts. The compatibility between part ports and ports and routes is checked for part selection, part orientation, and connection validation.
Place at component's origin when placing in free space

If this option is selected, then the origin of the part will be placed at the point where you click.

If this option is not selected, then the center of the part will be placed at the point where you click. The application determines the center of the part by creating a box around it and selecting the center of the base of the box.

By default, this option is not selected.

Allow search for all sizes while part placement
If this option is selected, parts with different sizes are available. If this option is unchecked, only parts that fit the segment size are available.

Data source for part selection

Select the desired option:

Search part from catalog

If this option is selected, then while placing a part, selection will be made from catalog.

By default, this option is selected.

Search part from

If this option is selected, then while placing a part, selection will be made from 3DEXPERIENCE.

By default, this option is not selected.

Routing preferences

Force usage of resource tables for routing

If this option is selected, the Turn Rule table and the Minimum Straight Length table must be found inside the Specification used for creating a route. Each route that has no corresponding row inside both tables is excluded from the list of the available routes for creation.

By default, this option is not selected.

Setting to allow multiple route on port
If this option is selected, several routes can be connected on the same port.
Maintain straight route from port

If this option is selected, a directional point is created at a distance selected from the Directional Length table.

By default, this option is selected.

Setting to display the chooser of route and the table if there is multiple choice

If this option is selected, in case several solutions that take into account the available route, the Turn Rule, and the Minimum Straight Length exist, then the corresponding dialog boxes are displayed to let you choose a reference and its properties.

By default, this option is not selected.

Allow local bend radius modification

If this option is selected, the bend manipulator ruler is displayed and you can modify the local bend radius either by dragging the rule or modifying the the value in the Bend Radius column of th Node Table panel. If this option is clear, the bend manipulator ruler is hidden and the Bend Radius column is not editable.

By default, this option is selected.

Force usage from table

If this option is selected, the allowed bend radius values are retrieved from the Turn Rule table. Only those values are available when dragging the bend manipulator ruler or in the Bend Radius column of the Node Table panel.

By default, this option is not selected and is available only if the Allow local bend radius modification option is selected.

Copy color from route reference

If this option is selected, while creating a route, the color attribute of the selected route reference is retrieved and set on the new route.

By default, this option is not selected.

Select orientation for tray

This option allows you to define the orientation of the tray when using the Specification Driven Assisted Design command.

Select the desired option:

Orientation of cableway
The local orientation of the cableway is used to orient the tray.
Orientation of default Z direction
The tray is created following the global Z axis orientation.

Raceway height and width filter

Closest to cableway height and width
This option allows you to filter tray references according to the closest height and width values to the cableway.
Height in percentage
The height value is filtered to be equal or less than the percentage of the cableway height.
Width in percentage
The width value is filtered to be the closest to the percentage of the cableway width.

Spool preferences

Create spool with single element automatically
This option allows you to create a spool with only one part inside using the Create Spools Automatically command. This behavior is available only if the part can be added in a spool. If the part has the forbid-forbid type or border-forbid type combination, the automatic creation is not available.

By default, this option is not selected.

Select 3D Shape Representation for Route

Route as
This option allows you to add a 3D customized shape instead of a 3D Part or 3D shape when creating a route
  • 3D Part: a standard 3D part is created and the Created 3D Part option from the Raceway Tray dialog box is checked.
  • Product with 3D Shape: a product and a 3D shape are created, and the Created 3D Part option from the Raceway Tray dialog box is clear.
  • Product with Customized 3D Shape: a customized 3D shape is created and the available customized shapes are displayed in the list. The Created 3D Part option from the Raceway Tray dialog box is clear.
  • User Defined: the route is created depending on the Created 3D Part option from the Raceway Tray dialog box. If the option is checked, then the 3D part is created. If the option is clear, then a product and a 3D shape are created.

By default, the 3D Part option is selected.

Part Placement

Create New Instance
This option allows you to create a new instance of the selected reference in the 3D area when using the part placement command.

By default, this option is selected.

Move Selected Instance
This option allows you to move a selected instance in the 3D area when using the part placement command.
Note: If this option is checked and you select a reference from the part subtype, catalog or chooser, a new part is created.

Nominal Size sorting inside Data Information Panel (DIP)

Use an algorithm to compute equivalent numerical value from Nominal Size to order it
This option allows you to use an algorithm to sort the Nominal Size according to their numerical value instead of its table order.

By default, this option is selected.