Main options
- Grouped
- Select the
check box to group the files in one output feature.
- Clear the
check box to create one feature for each imported file.
By default, This check box is not selected.
- Sampling (%)
- Determines the
percentage of points or scans or grids that are read from the digit file.
The Sampling percentage is not relevant to
formats related to mesh entities (for example STL format).
By default, Sampling is set to 100%.
- Scale factor
- Determines the scale factor to be applied to the data imported.
By default, Scale factor is set to 1.
- File unit
- Determines in which unit the data are imported.
By default, File unit is set to Millimeter (mm).
ASCII free options
- Start scan
- End scan
- Delimiters
- Applies to scan. Enter this information whenever you know it.
By default, Start scan is set
to G08 and End scan to G09.
GoCad options
- Minimal Point Quality
Lets you choose a point quality value.
- Create Facets
By default, this check box is selected.
SRTM options
- Create facets
By default, this check box is selected.
STL options
- Create facets
By default, this check box is selected.