About Volumic Search

Volumic Search lets you access any part instance. It is an alternative to a step-by-step navigation through the product structure.

This page discusses:

Notes: You can start Volumic Search on any selected node.
  • The node must be designated as an active level.
  • All of the content under the selected node must have been indexed.

Volumic Search

You can start Volumic Search using a multiselection of any combination of intermediate nodes and terminal 3D representations. A box query is launched automatically, and a proximity query is launched in the case of selection of a single 3D representation. Only representations that are visible from the user viewpoint are displayed. If you change your user viewpoint, the set of visible representations is modified accordingly. If a configuration filter is applied, the corresponding representations are displayed with the restriction of view-dependency according to the above item. The largest representations are displayed first, in the center of the screen.

The tree and the turntables, are removed when entering the Volumic Search view. When you move the mouse over the geometry in the 3D area, data is not highlighted and data titles are not displayed. Geometry is not updated on mouse move. It is updated with other view transformation commands such as zoom and rotate. When using the view transformation commands in Volumic Search, the 3D is updated when you release the mouse key. When you use a bounding box in Volumic Search, elements that are not in the bounding box results are displayed transparently. These representations are updated when a local transformation is done. Volumic Search is not available in any authoring app. In the volume search area, when you define a volume query, all the objects may not be displayed. All objects matching the filter are displayed when applying the filter. When a volume query result is displayed, transparent objects are not refreshed. B.I. Essentials shading and attribute display are not supported in the Volumic Search view. For V4 contents, Volumic Search is supported only if CGR is attached to the V4 content.


Volumic Search requires that your content is indexed. Indexation is a snapshot of the content source at a given moment. Regularly index your content source. Models with wireframe are not visible because they are not indexed. Representations are secured corresponding to the Secured Index File Definition. For more information, see 3DSpace Index Installation Guide.

The accuracy of a pick query and a volume query depends on the size of the part selected. For more information, see the Volumic Search Troubleshooting topic in 3DSpace Index Installation Guide.


You can take into account the following performance considerations:

  • 3D Thumbnails are copied in a local cache. Ensure that the size of your local cache does not become excessive.
  • Many refreshes of the displayed representations are required. Ensure that your computer has the correct graphic hardware.
  • Performance is strongly linked to 3D content transfer response-time between the vault and the client; if the 3D representations are already in the client cache, performance is greatly enhanced.

Methodology for Creating Zones

The following is a methodology for creating zones. This methodology also concerns a Design Engineer for the creation of a content and volumes in steps 1 through 8.

  1. In CATIA, create MyModel.
  2. Save it.
  3. Create a father of MyModel, for example Father_MyModel. (The link between Father_MyModel and MyModel has a positioning matrix value of Identity.)
  4. Open Father_MyModel in a Navigation app.
  5. Expand the nodes around which you are going to create zones and open them in an Authoring app.
  6. Create a second product under Father_MyModel, for example Zone_MyModel (you must respect the exact spelling of the MyModel product and prefix it with "Zone_").
  7. Create volumes (zones) that surround MyModel Parts. For more information, see in the Imagine & Shape User's Guide: Creating Primitives: Creating Closed Primitives.
  8. Save it.
  9. Index it. For more information, see 3DSpace Index Installation Guide.
  10. In System Finder, open MyModel.

Tip: You can now use the Space Allocation app to create similar objects (spaces) that can be used for modeling in a better way. You can also search and filter these objects using the command Volume Query available in Product Structure Editor. For more information, see 3D Modeling | Multi Discipline Engineering | Space Allocation user's guide and 3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps | Advanced Filtering | Filtering a Structure Using a Volume Query topic.