Filter Content Using Explicit Selection
This task shows you how to filter content using an explicit selection. Only
the branches containing objects that were explicitly selected appear after you apply
the filter.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
The Filter dialog box appears.
Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the content
source connector you are using.
Apply Filter from Selection.
A list area appears. By default, when no objects are in the list, the filter is
applied to the entire tree (from Root).
To add an object to the selection, in the
or in the 3D, select the object and then select
Add (or vice versa, first select
Add and then select the object).
Add less than 50 objects to the selection.
The object is added to the list.
To remove an object from the selection in the list, the tree, or in the 3D, select the object and
then select Remove. You can also select
Remove and then select the object.
The object is removed from the list.
Filter Content Using Explicit Remove
This task shows you how to filter content using an explicit
remove. Branches containing objects that were explicitly removed will not
appear after the filter is applied.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
The Filter dialog box appears.
Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the content
source connector you are using.
Remove selection.
A list area appears with associated Add and Remove
To add an object to the selection, in the
or in the 3D, select the object and then select
Add (or vice versa, first select
Add and then select the object).
Add less than 50 objects to the selection.
The object is added to the list.
To remove an object from the selection, in the list, in the
or in the 3D, select the object and then select
Remove (or vice versa, first select
Remove and then select the object).
At the top of the dialog box, select the remove mode:
- Version change sensitive (default
mode): Only the minor of the selection will be removed. When a new version
(minor or major) will be created, it will reappear in the session.
- Minor version change insensitive: The
major of the selection will be removed. When a new minor will be created, it
won’t reappear in the session. When a new major will be created, it will
reappear in the session.
- Remove selection is an explicit
selection and cannot be applied to another structure.
- A given path cannot be selected for both explicit keep (Apply
filter from selection) and explicit remove (Remove selection).
Filter Content Using an Attribute Filter
This task shows you how to filter the content in your session
using an Attribute filter.
For an Attribute filter, multiple criteria can be activated. You also
have the option to automatically expand the entire structure after having
applied the filter or to apply the filter without any expansion of the root.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
The Filter dialog box appears.
Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the content
source connector you are using. See Functionality Availability.
In the
Attributes section, click either
Perforating or
Iterative, then click
Attributes and select
New criteria on attribute.
Attributes Filter dialog box appears.
Define an attribute filter criteria on an object type, for
example Object type "Physical Part" containing Part Number "axle".
OK to confirm.
The defined attribute filter criteria is displayed in
the Filter tree.
again and
define a second attribute filter criteria on a different object type, for
example on object type Physical Representation.
OK to confirm.
Click the
Representation Name Like axle
and click
The criteria is now marked as deactivated
Click the
Representation DS
subcategory and click
Delete Criteria
All criteria for the subcategory are deleted. The Representation
DS subcategory is removed also because it no longer contains
any entries.
- It is possible to define Combined Criteria on Attribute criteria
for which the second criteria, if matched, will result in the
display of the matched objects if they are found in the level
immediately below the matched objects of the first criteria.
Right-click an attribute and select New criteria on
- When you apply filter after deactivating the filter criteria and
try to open filter panel, deactivated filter criteria is not
Filter Content Using a Volume Filter
This task shows you how to filter the content in your session
using a volume filter.
The Filter dialog box appears.
Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the content
source connector you are using.
Click Volume and click New 3D Search
Define the selection using the chosen 3D Search tool and click
The filter will be defined and will be displayed in the
Filter dialog box.
To edit the volume filter, click
To combine several volume filters (for example, combine filters
Proximity1 OR Sphere1 OR Box1 to create a union of three filters), follow step
2 to create a filter and click
(instead of clicking Validate).
The filter will be defined and you will then be able to begin
defining the next filter of the combined filter. You can combine as many
filters as you want. When you have defined the last filter, click
When you click New 3D Proximity Volume option from the contextual
menu of volume node in the filter panel, the following options are
available in the Proximity definition panel:
- Clearance (mm): You can enter the
clearance value in this option. By default, the value
100 is shown.
- Volume Mode: The following modes are
available in the Volume Mode.
Filter Content Using a Configuration Filter
This task shows you how to filter the content in your session using a
Configuration filter.
For a Configuration filter, only one criterion
can be activated. You also have the option to automatically expand the entire
structure after having applied the filter or to apply the filter without any
expansion of the root.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
The Filter dialog box appears. The previously selected
configuration will be indicated as the applied filter. You can modify the
applied configuration.
Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the content
source connector you are using. See Functionality Availability.
Configuration and click
Choose Product Configuration
dialog box appears.
Enter a search criteria and click Search.
The configurations that match the criteria are
Select a configuration and click
The selected configuration will now be the activated
For Configuration filters, only one criterion
can be activated.
When you try to explore a configured part, you will be
immediately asked to select a configuration before the part is opened in a
Navigation app. In the Filter dialog box, the previously selected configuration
will be indicated. You can choose to apply a different configuration from among
those defined. See Navigating on Data, Exploring a Part Having Multiple
Associated Configurations.
Filter Content Using Engineering Deactivation
An Engineering Deactivation filter enables you to view the
structure with activated instances only and filter out deactivated instances.
You also have the option to automatically expand the entire structure after
having applied the filter or to apply the filter without any expansion of the
In the
Product Finder
app, click
Filter dialog box appears.
Engineering and click
. The
Activated instances only node appears.
- To disable an Engineering Filter, you must first remove or
disable all applied Configuration Filters.
- An Engineering Filter is always applied in
Product Structure Design.
Overload a Minor Revision
You can overload a minor revision. By default, the minor
revision proposed in the product structure is the Best So Far (BSF) minor
In the Filter dialog box, select the
Minor Overload filter type.
In the
or in the 3D, select a Reference object.
Multiple reference objects can be selected.
In the Filter dialog box, click
If multiple minor revisions of this reference are
available, they are displayed in a
Choose Minor Overload dialog box. If there
is only one existing version, it will be displayed directly in the Minor
Overload section.
You can also activate the Add button first and then select
the reference objects to be added to the list.
Select the minor revision you want to use.
When you apply the filter, the selected minor revisions
will be used instead of the Best So Far minor revisions. If you eventually save
the Filter as a Persistent Filter, any time you open the Persistent Filter, the
overloaded minor revisions will be used instead of the BSF minor versions and
the list of Minor Overload will display the entire set of overloaded minors
defined in the filtered product structure. For more information about
versioning, see
Social and Collaborative | Product Development – Model Based
| Collaborative Lifecycle | Creating Revisions and Evolutions | About
To remove minor overloads from the list, select the reference
objects (in the list, in the
or in the 3D) and click
The minor overloads are removed accordingly.
You can also activate the Remove button first and then select
the reference objects to be removed from the list.
Apply a Filter
This task shows you how to apply a filter.
At the top of the dialog box, select the Expand option:
- No Expand - The structure will be
- Expand All - The entire filtered
will be expanded and the corresponding objects will be visible.
- Keep Expand State - The expand state
prior to the filter application will be restored. Note: This option carries a
performance cost.
For an Attribute Filter, if you've defined Perforating criteria,
- Stop at last node to expand only to
the last node meeting the filter criteria/
- Expand entire branch to expand the
entire branch of any branch containing an object meeting the filter criteria.
- Not perforating to search along a
branch only until the first node that does not match the criteria. The branch
will extend only to the node preceding the first node that does not match the
To activate the expand accelerator mode, from the Navigation section of the
action bar, click Activate Expand
The expand accelerator is activated and the message is displayed in
the Filter dialog box as Expand accelerator mode is ON.
To deactivate the expand accelerator mode, from the Navigation section of
the action bar, click Activate Expand
The expand accelerator is deactivated and the message is displayed
in the Filter dialog box as Expand accelerator mode is OFF. Note:
The expand accelerator mode is used when you create a persistent filter
and that is used while explore, edit, or apply the same filter. For more
information, see Create
a Persistent Filter.
Apply Filter
to apply the final filter.
The filter is applied accordingly, taking into account all activated filter
criteria. (The AND operator is applied between filter categories.)
For the 3D XML connector, only the
Expand entire branch option is available.
- If you completely deactivate a filter (no criteria) and then
apply the filter with no criteria defined, all nodes of the tree will contain a '.' instead
of a '-', thereby indicating that the branch potentially
contains other subbranches in addition to those displayed.)
- When you apply filter after deactivating the filter criteria and
try to open filter panel, deactivated filter criteria is not
Remove a Filter
This task shows you how to remove a filter.
Right-click the filtered object and select
Remove Filter.
The filter that had been applied to the object is
After the removal of a filter, some nodes of the
could contain a '.' instead of a '-', thereby indicating that the branch
potentially contains other subbranches in addition to those displayed.