Expand an Object
This task shows you how to expand an object in your object
To expand an object, do one of the following:
- in the 3D, double-click the object
- in the
double-click the object name
- in the
click the "+" node
To expand the
to the first level below a selected node, right-click a node and select
Expand First Level
To expand the
to the second level below a selected node, right-click a node and select
Expand Second Level
To expand selected nodes, right-click a node and select
Expand Selection
A pop-up dialog box will ask you how many levels you want
to expand.
To expand
all levels of an object, select the object and, in the
Navigation section of the action bar, click Expand All
All branches of the selected object are expanded down to their leaf components.
To collapse an object, in the specification
click the "-" node.
To collapse all levels of the
below a selected node, right-click the node and select
Collapse All.
To expand an object a configured number of levels:
In the
View section of the
action bar,
Set Expand Level.
A Set Expand Level dialog box appears.
Select the number of levels you want to expand objects and
In the
right-click an object and select
Customized Expand.
The object will be expanded by the configured number
of levels.
- While using 6WTags, the Expand Accelerator mode is activated
automatically. If you deactivate the Expand
Accelerator mode when there is a tagger panel already
displayed and a tag or tags are applied on the structure, tags are
removed from the structure and will disappear from the tagger
- When you apply a filter, the tags are refreshed according to the filtered structure.
Tagger criteria is not persistent. When the root is filtered with tagger
criteria, the same filter cannot be stored as a persistent filter. If
the structure is filtered with both tagger and user-defined filter
criteria, only the user-defined filter can be stored in a persistent
- After grouping the structure, the classification defined in Product Finder Classic is kept in the authoring mode even after performing an open
operation. The grouping criteria is kept by using any open command
(Open, Open Advance, or WYSIWYG Open). For more information, see
3D Modeling | Systems Architecture | Product Structure Design
| Working with Products | Opening a Product.
- Grouping can be applied only on the 1st level of a structure. While using the
Group command in 6WTags, the defined grouping criteria cannot be used to classify the opened
content when:
- A simple predicate or a simple tag is selected in the
- A hierarchical predicate or one/more hierarchical tags, that are
not defined with the BELCHAR mechanism, has been selected in the
tagger (for example, hierarchical predicate or tags defined with
- While grouping a structure in Product Finder Classic:
- Only a single predicate (simple predicate or hierarchical
predicate) is allowed in the tagger.
- Only N tags of the same predicate are allowed. In the case of
hierarchical tags, you have to select all the tags in the same
hierarchy. In the same hierarchy, you can select multiple
- When the grouping criteria have a single predicate, the content
is grouped according to all the values of the predicate.
- When the grouping criteria have one or more tag values, the
content is grouped according to all the selected values.
Modify the Expand Strategy
The strategy used for the tree expansion is the default defined in the Product Finder
Preferences. It can be modified for each tab using the command provided in the action bar.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
Nothing but simplified geometry on local leaves
Visualize the simplified geometry of the node in the
3D area
when expanding it down to its Representation level.
In the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
Partial outer skin of each child
Visualize a partial indexed simplified geometry of the structure in the 3D area when expanding a node. Only the outer
skin of each child is displayed with a variable quality. Move the quality
slider to modify the number of rays intersecting the geometry to visualize.
The higher the number, the less partial the geometry. Since the outer skin
is computed by an index that may not be up to date, the displayed geometry
might not exactly represent the design structure but it is faster to load.
In the Navigation section of the action bar, click Indexed simplified
geometry of all children
Visualize an indexed simplified geometry of the complete branch in the 3D area when expanding a node. Since the index
may not be up to date, the displayed geometry might not represent the exact
structure as it is saved in the database but it is faster to load.
The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the above strategies.
Strategy |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Nothing but simplified geometry on local
leaves |
Short computation, light use of memory |
No 3D on intermediate nodes |
Partial outer skin of each child |
Short computation, light use of memory |
Dependent on the index, not complete (ray
tracing strategy) |
Indexed simplified geometry of all children |
Large use of memory |
Dependent on the index, long computation
You can use any combination of explore and expand
strategies in any order.
When you open more than one Product Finder Classic tab and switch between these tabs, the default Expand Strategy for the
current Product Finder Classic tab may not be seen correctly in the action bar.
Expand With and Without Representations
You can activate or deactivate the retrieval of
representations during an expansion operation.
Explore an expanded product.
Expand With and Without Representations
The icon changes to
 and a
message appears.
OK to dismiss the message.
Click Expand All from either the context menu or View > Expand All. The product is now
displayed without any representations.
Each time you want to expand a product without representations,
you must click the icon to activate it.
Clicking either of these icons does not modify the expanded
structure but only applies to future expands performed on the
product displayed in the current tab. If another tab is open,
you must repeat the operation in that tab.
The option last applied to a product (that is, to be expanded
with or without representations), remains valid in any future
session. This means that if you have several tabs open, the icon
may change as you click from one window to another as it
indicates the option that you last used on the content shown in
the current tab.
Non-CATIA documents (for example, text documents, spreadsheets,
etc.) are controlled by the Show
Documents command.
Render Objects Transparent
The Ghost command allows you to make selected objects transparent, thereby
simplifying visualization to critical areas of the digital mockup.
If you are not already in In-place mode, then click
Swap Turntable/In-place
Right-click and select
Tree Expansion > Expand All or, in the
View section of the
action bar,
Expand All
In the View section of the action bar, double-click Ghost/No
The Ghost commands appear. Note: By having double-clicked the icon to enter the
command, you will be able to use the command multiple times; otherwise, the
command is one shot and will automatically stop after one Ghost status
To set the command in Ghost mode, click
Apply ghost effect
In the 3D or in the
click objects.
The objects become transparent. In the tree, the transparent objects are indicated
by a little ghost under the branch.
To set the command in No Ghost mode, click
Remove ghost effect
In the 3D or in the
click a transparent object.
The object becomes opaque again.
- The Ghost and No Ghost commands are one shot. To use the commands for a multiple number of
objects, in step 2, double-click Ghost when you enter
the command.
- When you expand a node that is in Ghost mode in the
the ghost status will be applied to all its children.
- The Ghost command also works in Turntable mode (though it has
been designed to work in In-place mode).
- Expand All is also not required; whatever the expand and collapse
commands that have been performed, the Ghost command behavior will be the same.
- Interactivity with navigation ability: The Ghost status is kept while navigating through the
turntables. It is also kept when you collapse a node with ghosted
children; if you re-expand this node, previously ghosted children will
be ghosted.
- Interactivity with B.I. Essentials While using the B.I. Essentials, ghosted geometry is not taken into
account for the display of information, they remain ghosted.
(Interoperability is planned for a future release.)
- Persistency: When the exploration of the Product is closed, the
Ghost status of the Product’s nodes is erased, there is no persistency. The
command Refresh and Collapse also erases the Ghost status of the nodes.
- Since the pre-highlight is displayed on the edges, and since 3D Thumbnails do not have any
edges, the pre-highlight will not be displayed on 3D Thumbnails.
Adjust the Horizontal Split
The Splitter vertically divides the Navigation app into two sections. You can adjust the Splitter
position to modify the partition, which allows you to disengage space on the
right-hand side.
To adjust the Splitter

position, drag it right or left.
The horizontal split is adjusted accordingly.