Configuring Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Properties

You can configure properties that govern the FTE (Full Time Equivalent).

See Also
Configuring Properties
  1. Create or open the text file to contain customized properties. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.
  2. To define the FTE (Full Time Equivalent), follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:

      The default value is 1. The Resource Loading Report shows the FTE for the selected resource over the time period specified for the report.

    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  3. To define resource requests in either hours or FTE for each project phase or time line interval displayed for a resource plan, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object::

      If set to Hours, the system stores all the resource requests of people in hour units. This enables users to toggle between Hours and Cost when working with resource plans. Users will be able to add and edit the number of people values only in Hours. If set to FTE, users will be able to add and edit the number of people values only in FTE.

    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  4. When finished updating the text file with all properties you want to modify, including the ones shown here, use the text file to modify the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.