Customizing Patterns for Tasks in the Gantt Chart

You can create your own patterns for task bars in the Gantt Chart. These patterns display as selections in the pattern palette.

  1. Navigate to the following path: enovia/WebContent/webapps/ENOGantt/Custom/GanttCustomGradientPattern.css
  2. Add a background-size and background-color.

    Below is an example:

    You can give a pattern any name. The pattern name used below is "cal6".

    It is recommended to have "background-size" and "background-color" the same as shown below. You can get different patterns by changing the "background" value, which is highlighted below.

  3. Navigate to the following path: enovia/WebContent/webapps/ENOGantt/Custom/ CustomPattern.css
  4. Add the newly created pattern’s name (cal6) in the pattern array, as shown below:

  5. Save the file.
  6. Clear the browser cache and check the pattern pallet in the Gantt.