Enter these details for the business goal:
Name. The name of the business goal.
Business Unit. The business unit
responsible for the goal. To choose a business unit, click
and select it. If the goal does not need to be associated
with a business unit, you can select the parent company.
Effective Date. The date the goal begins to be tracked. Financial data
reported is based on the given interval. The interval is based on the date
value provided up to a year. To specify a date, click
choose the date from the calendar.
Goal Description. A brief description of
the goal.
Business Benefit. The business benefit of
the goal.
Operational Definition. Statement about the
method for measuring quality metrics. For example, improve overall Customer
Service responsiveness by 20%.
Success Measurement. A description of how to measure whether the goal
is achieved. For example, the average time to respond to a customer
complaint is 2 hours.
Comments. Additional comments regarding the