Editing a Business Goal

Only host company employees who are assigned the Business Manager role can edit business goals. You do not have to be the owner of a goal to edit it as long as you are a Business Manager. Only goals in the Created and Active states can be edited.

Before you begin: View the basic information for a goal. See Business Goal Properties Page.
  1. Click Actions > Edit Details.
  2. Update the information as needed:

    Name. The name of the business goal.

    Policy. Select a policy from the drop-down list (there may only be one policy).

    Business Unit. The business unit responsible for the goal. To choose a business unit, click and select it. If the goal does not need to be associated with a business unit, you can select the parent company.

    Effective Date. the date on which the business goal becomes effective.

    Goal Description. A brief description of the goal.

    Business Benefit. The business benefit of the goal.

    Operational Definition. How the quality metrics will be measured. For example, "improve overall Customer Service responsiveness by 20%".

    Success Measurement. A description of how to measure whether the goal is achieved. For example, "average time to respond to a customer complaint is less than two hours".

    Comments. Additional comments regarding the goal.

    Owner. To change the owner, click and select a new owner.

  3. Click Done.