Creating a Project Benefit

You can create only one benefit per project. To create a benefit, you must be the project owner or a Project Lead for the project.

Before you begin: View the benefits for the project. See Project Benefits Page.
  1. On the Benefits page, click Create Benefit .

    If a benefit already exists for the project, the Create Benefit action does not display.

  2. Enter these details.

    Name. The name of the benefit. If using AutoName, "BEN" plus an incremented number is the default value, but you can change this.

    Time Line From. Choose the starting day on which the benefit becomes effective for cost categories. The default is the project's start date.

    Time Line To. Choose the last day on which the benefit is effective for cost categories. The default is the project's end date.

    Time Line Interval. Select one of the following intervals:

    • Weekly
    • Monthly (default)
    • Quarterly

    The interval plus the duration determines the number of periods in the benefit. For example, if the duration is 12 months and the interval is quarterly, the benefit will have 4 periods. If the interval is monthly, it will have 12 periods. You cannot change the interval once the benefit is created.

    Notes. Any notes you want to add to the benefit.

  3. Click OK.

    The Sharing tab appears next to the "Benefits" tab where access can be granted to other project members.