Viewing System States during Simulation

You can view the system states during simulation.

See Also
Defining Product Flow Between Systems

The precedence relation between manufactured items is interpreted as the precedence relation between the operations implementing manufactured items within the same system.

A system with requests searches the product in upstream systems. The upstream system is selected in the following way based on the Request routing mode set on the system:

  • First Allowed: Any system that has the required part.
  • In Proportion: The upstream system is selected based on sampling of proportion values.
  • With Priority: The upstream system is selected based on priority value (lower values indicate higher priority). If the selected system does not have the part, then the next priority system is checked.

When running simulation, click the General system, the State Times and Products chart appears.

A Product Chart has number of products coming in and out of the system displayed (the number of input and output products of the system). The tooltip on the Products displays the product name, number of inputs and outputs of that product in the System.

The State Time tab displays the Wait for Input, Failed and Processing of the system.