Creating Automatic Sources and Sinks

You can create automatic Sources and Sinks during simulation based on a defined model.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create content in Process Planning. Open the Process Flow Simulation app.

Create Automatic Sources and Sinks Settings

You can create automatic sources and sinks.

In the Production System Simulation Options panel, click the Monitoring Options tab > Enable Automatic Creation of Sources & Sinks check box.
Note: To create automatic sources and sinks for input and output, it is mandatory to enable this option. For more information on the Monitoring Options tab, see Production System Simulation Options Panel.

Create Automatic Sources and Sinks from Input and Output

You can create automatic Sources and Sinks from Input and Output.

  1. Go to Process Planning app and create Input and Output Information on General system.
    The Input Output dialog box appears.
  2. Select Input and Output from PPR tree, and click Close.
    The Input and Output are added to the dialog box.
  3. Click Play to simulate.

    For more information, see Production Demand.

    Sources and Sinks automatically creates during simulation to represent defined inputs and outputs of a system with default parameters.

Create Automatic Sources and Sinks from Supply and Demand

The supply and demand information defined on a general system is used to create Sources and Sinks automatically during simulation in Process Flow Simulation.

  1. Right-click the General system and select Premises Definition > Define Production Supply to define supply information.

    The Production Supply Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Click + and select a manufactured item from the tree.
    The production supply name is updated.
  3. Select Premises Definition > Premises Definition Production Demand to define production demand definition.

    For more information, see Production Demand.

    The Production Demand Definition dialog box appears.

Create Automatic Sources and Sinks from Only Systems and Operations

You can create automatic sources and sinks from only systems and operations.

Create data in Process Planning app and start Process Flow Simulation app
There is no need to define supply, demand, input and output information.
  • Automatic Sources and Sinks work with existing physical Sources and Sinks.
  • If you have not created any prerequisite inputs, the inputs are provided automatically.
  • Sources and Sinks are automatically created during simulation to represent deduced inputs and outputs of a system with default parameters defined.