Product Structure Editor

Product Structure Editor enables you to navigate structures with a shared experience between a structure widget and a 3D widget. This navigation and authoring experience is available through a tree view, a graph view, and a 3D view.

Product Structure Editor aims to unify the 3DEXPERIENCE Content with CAD-Master and the VPM data model into one Product Structure model. It provides a complete navigation and authoring experience inside a web browser.

Product Structure Editor provides a web-based 3DEXPERIENCE Product Structure authoring. As we merge the data models, there is now a complete authoring experience. It fully supports mixed X-CAD and CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE product structures. With a single structure for all the X-CAD data, you can navigate on the X-CAD structure.

In Product Structure Editor, the children displayed under a node are the objects linked by a product instance link (or product representation instance link) between the node and the children.

The external view of embedded components (X-CAD origin) is as follows:

  • An embedded component has the same type as a classical reference. It also has the same NLS as a reference.
  • An embedded component has the same icon as a classical reference.
  • Embedded components are searchable.
  • Embedded components have a specific extension that is displayed n the properties and 6WTags.
  • The thumbnails of embedded components have the same behavior are the thumbnails of classical references.
  • Customization of the type embedded component is not supported.

Product Structure Editor enables CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE supplemental to CATIA V5 and other CAD. A unified data model means that the implementation of the supplemental app is facilitated. It also enables the configuration support for the X-CAD data.

This scenario is supported for all elements that are coming from 3DSearch and 3DSpace. One of the most important scenarios is to have the capability to feed Product Structure Editor with data provided by 3DSearch. Information and actions are shared between Product Structure Editor, 3D Compose, and Relations. These parts work together to enable you to see the 3D and the associated assembly product structure.

The core supported data types are VPMReference, VPMRepReference, and those inherited from them.

The following are current limitations:

  • It is mandatory to start 3DSpace before the first time you use the Product Structure Editor.
  • In 3DSearch, the file extension is not exposed as an attribute. It will not be possible to do searches or refinements.