Managing Revisions

You can update the revision of a selected product or part.

  1. Select an object.
  2. From the Edit section of the action bar, click Update Revisions .
    Tip: In the action bar, the following revision commands are proposed:
    Commands Description
    Update Revisions Displays the structure in a hierarchical view, with an icon to indicate the editability status.
    Update Revisions on Entire Structure Analyzes the entire product structure, and proposes an update with the latest revisions. If an update is impossible, a revision creation is proposed
    Replace by Revision Displays the structure in a flat view (the children of the subproducts are not displayed).

    The Update Revisions and Replace by Revision commands display the same panel and options, with a different structure display (flat or hierarchical view). Except for this difference, the scenario is identical for both commands.

  3. Check the editability status with the icon displayed on the left of the root object. Hover over this icon to display more information in a tooltip.
    This object can be replaced.
    This object cannot be replaced (maturity state, lock by another user...).

    Important: This icon is an indication, but other edit rights may interfere with the displayed status. For example, a Leader can modify an object that is seen as noneditable because of its Frozen state.

  4. Optional: To expand or collapse the structure, select a node and click one of these commands from the menu in the dialog box:
    Expand All Expands all nodes
    Expand n Level Lets you enter the number of levels to be expanded.
    Collapse All Collapses all nodes
  5. To multiselect objects to be replaced, you can either press Ctrl from the keyboard and select nodes, or click one of these commands:
    Select All Visible Selects all the expanded objects
    Select Children Selects the children of the selected object
    Tip: Select a node in the structure to display this command.
    Select Leaves Selects the final node of the selected branch
    Tip: You must first select a node in the structure to display this command.
  6. To update the revision of all selected objects, select an option in the Replace all by: list.
    Latest Revision Updates with the latest revision
    Latest Stable Revision Updates with the last frozen or released lifecycle state
    Latest Released Revision Updates with the latest released revision
  7. To update the revision of one object, select one of these options in the Replace Action column.
    Replace by Revision Lets you select a revision from the Revision Explorer.
    Replace by Latest Revision Updates with the latest revision.
    Replace by Latest Stable Revision To update with the last frozen or released lifecycle state.
    Replace by Latest Released Revision Updates with the latest released revision
    Replace by New Revision Creates a new revision and update with the newly created revision.
    Create New Revision Creates a new revision of the object and insert it as a new root at the end of the tree.
  8. To also replace the revisions of the parents of the selected object, click Apply Replace by New Revision on Parents .
  9. To compare revisions or structures with the Compare widget, click Compare Revisions from the menu.

    For more information about this widget, see Compare User's Guide.