Environment: On premises only
Select one or more objects.
Selecting the root object exports the whole structure. Selecting
a child object exports the corresponding branch (the object and all its
children in context of the root).
- If you performed any authoring operation (insert, remove or
modify) on a structure with
content with CATIA V5 master as root, you must export the whole structure.
- You cannot export root objects with embedded components.
- The required objects that are not part of the structure are automatically added by
completion to the export scope (for example, a CATAnalysis,
CATMaterial or design tables pointing to an object that is part of
the export scope).
- Objects that are filtered out are not exported.
From the Tools section of the action bar, click Export V5
The Export V5 dialog box appears.
Enter the path to the target directory.
- If you select multiple roots, they are exported to the same
- The name of the generated CATIA V5 files corresponds to Title
attribute of the objects. The Title attribute must meet the
requirements for Version 5 documents. For more information, see File Coexistence and
User's Guide: File-based Design Import: About
Objects that are added by completion to the
export scope are not renamed according to their Title attribute.
They are named according to their original filename (when they
were saved in 3DEXPERIENCE).
If several objects in the scope of the download
result in the same filename, the _UUID suffix is added to the
filename of these files.
If you do not want to overwrite CATIA V5 files that already exist in the target
directory with a same filename, select the Keep a copy of the
existing file in case of conflict in the disk option.
If this option is selected, the _UUID suffix is added to the filename of the
generated CATIA V5 file, and links between objects are updated to take the
renaming into account. If this option is cleared, generated CATIA V5 files
overwrite the existing files that have the same filename in the target
The objects are exported as CATIA V5 files in the target directory, alongside a
report of the export operation. Additional content required by the Design with CATIA
V5 connector and added by completion is downloaded as well.
Exporting content as CATIA V5 files is an asynchronous process. You can continue to
work with the exported objects in 3DEXPERIENCE immediately after you launched the export.