Drawing Curves

Edge Snapping and Manual Control Points allows you to draw curves based on key points or edges of the object. Edges are computed based on intensity characteristics. The key points are the proposed key points based on edges intersections.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Load the image in the Image Gallery panel.

Draw Curves Using Edge Snapping

You can draw a curve that snaps to the edge of the object.

  1. Click the points near the edge of the object and press Enter to validate the creation of the curve.
    The curve snaps to the closest edge.
  2. Optional: The curve can be modified by selecting one of its points.

    Note: By default, the selected point snaps to the nearest point. To deactivate the snapping, press Shift.

Draw Curves Through Points Selection

You can draw a curve by specifying passing points.

  1. Click points of the object to define the path of the curve and press Enter to validate the creation of the curve.
    The curve is created and follows the path of the selected points.
  2. Optional: The curve can be modified by selecting one of its points.

    Note: By default, the selected point snaps to the nearest point. To deactivate, the sapping, press Shift.