Defining Symmetry

Symmetry Creation defines the symmetry between two points. The 3D symmetry plane is retrieved to improve 3D result. If the object is already reconstructed, symmetry can be defined on the 3D model.

Before you begin:
  • Draw the 2D shape of your image.
  • Define the correspondence between your images.
Important: This command is not available if the From canonic views option from the Reconstruction Mode section is selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Digitized Shape > Photo to Shape > General. .
  1. Click two points to be defined as symmetrical.
  2. To define other symmetries, repeat Step 1 and do one of the following actions:
    • Select two points to define a new symmetry (Step 2).
    • Click an orange dotted line to validate a suggested symmetry.
      Note: Possible symmetries appear when clicking Symmetry Creation a second time, after the definition of a first symmetry. The suggested symmetries are displayed as orange dotted lines.
    • Press Enter to validate all the suggested symmetries.