Risks Criticality Evolution over Time

For each week, this chart shows the total number of open risks broken down by their Risk Priority Number (RPN), and the number of new risks.

Business Objects Risks from Project Management.
Values (or x-axis and y-axis)
  • X-axis: Weeks.
  • Y-axis:
    • Stacked columns: Total number of open risks broken down by RPN category.
    • Blue line: Number of new risks.
Sorting Chronologically, oldest to newest from left to right.
Limits No limits.

RPN colors:

  • RPN is between 0 and 4: Green
  • RPN is between 5 and 15: Yellow
  • RPN is above 15: Red
Available Views Stacked bar chart.
Interactions On this chart, you can:
  • Paginate through all chart entries by using the pagination.
  • Show underlying data by clicking Menu > See underlying data.
  • Increase the chart size by clicking > Maximize.
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