Using Gantt Charts

This topic provides information about Gantt charts and data they display.

Gantt charts are composed of two main areas: A data table on the left side and a chart area on the right side. The chart area displays ENOVIA objects in nodes (one node per object) on a timeline according to the objects' start and end dates.

Gantt charts display the following icon on their header: .

  • Actions described in this topic are not persistent. The default display is restored when you go to another Project Intelligence page or refresh the widget.
  • The tasks described in this topic are not available on all Gantt charts.

This task shows you how to:

Resize the Table Columns

You can resize the columns of the data table area.

  1. From the table header, hover over the right border of the column you want to resize.
  2. When the resize cursor appears, click and drag to the left or to the right to decrease or increase the column width respectively.

Sort Table Columns

You can sort columns of the data table area.

Click the header of the column whose sort you want to change.

Column is sorted from A to Z or from Z to A accordingly.

Note: If nothing occurs, you cannot sort this column.

Filter Timeline and Data

You can filter the timeline displayed and/or the content displayed by the view.

  1. Click the button corresponding to the timeline you want to analyze (day, week, month, quarter, year).
  2. Click and enter your search criteria.

Expand Nodes

By default, Gantt charts only display the nodes of the objects that have the highest position in their hierarchical structure. You can expand each row to display the subnodes, if any.

For example, consider a Gantt chart that displays three projects, and each project has tasks. By default, the Gantt chart only displays each project name on a dedicated line. You can expand each row to see the project's task nodes.

  1. From the data table area, click + on each row you want to expand.
  2. Optional: When you have expanded all the rows, nodes that represent objects of the same kind are still grouped together. To expand a grouped node, either click from the data table area or click this node on the chart area.

Navigate the Chart Area

To navigate the chart area of a Gantt chart, you can do any of the following:
  • Click and drag the chart area with your mouse.
  • Use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down the chart.
  • Press Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the timeline.


You can increase the size of any chart to make it fill the whole widget space.

  1. On a chart, click Actions... > Maximize.
  2. To exit the maximize mode, click anywhere outside the chart or click Actions... > Minimize.

Show or Hide Links Between Nodes

You can display all node dependencies at once or display the dependencies of a specific node only.

Show all Links Between Nodes

You can display lines that show dependencies between all nodes.

Before you begin: If the Gantt chart is currently displaying the dependencies of a specific node, hide them. For more information, see Hide Links below.
From the Gantt chart header, select Actions... > Show all links between nodes.

Dotted lines are displayed between all dependent nodes. Each dotted line ends with an arrow that points toward the node that represents the object that has the highest position in the hierarchical structure. Passive links (corresponding to passive tasks in Project Management) are also displayed. For example, consider a task that has a subtask. In this case, the dotted line between the task and the subtask ends with an arrow that points toward the task.

Show the Links of a Selected Node

You can display lines that show the dependencies of a specific node, if any.

Before you begin: If the Gantt chart is currently displaying the dependencies of all nodes, hide them. For more information, see Hide Links below.
  1. From the Gantt chart header, select Actions... > Show selected nodes link.
  2. From the chart area, click the node whose dependencies you want to see.
    The following occurs:
    • A red border is displayed on the node you clicked to indicate that it is currently selected.
    • Dotted lines are displayed between the selected node and all its dependent nodes. Each dotted line ends with an arrow that points toward the node that represents an object that has the highest position in the hierarchical structure. For example, consider a task that has a subtask. In this case, the dotted line between the node of task and the node of subtask ends with an arrow that points toward the node of the task.

    You can repeat this step with any other node to see another node's dependencies.

Hide Links

You can hide the dotted lines that are displayed between dependent node when you have selected the Show all links between nodes or Show selected nodes link commands.

Before you begin: Display object dependencies. For more information, see Show all Links Between Nodes or Show the Links of a Selected Node above.
From the Gantt chart header, select Actions... > Hide all links.

All dotted lines are cleared from the chart area.

Show Critical Path

You can display which nodes belong to the critical path.

From the Gantt chart header, select Actions... > Show critical path.

The following occurs:

  • Dotted lines are displayed to show the dependencies between the nodes that belong to the critical path. Each dotted line ends with an arrow that points toward the node that represents the object that has the highest position in the hierarchical structure.
  • Nodes that are on the critical path display a red border with a small tick symbol in their upper right-hand corner.
  • Nodes that are on the critical path remain blue while the nodes that are not on the critical path turn gray.

To hide the critical path, refresh the widget.

Show Related Objects

You can see the related objects of any node.

  1. From the chart area, click the node whose related objects you want to see.
    A red border is displayed on the node you clicked to indicate that it is currently selected.
  2. From the Gantt chart header, select Actions... > Show related objects.

A modal window appears and displays related objects, if any.