Configuring a Blocking State for Tasks

You can configure action tasks properties required to change the blocking state of an object for the tasks created for finding.

See Properties for Blocking State for Tasks

  1. Create or open the text file for customized properties. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.
  2. To change the blocking state of the object , follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:


    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.

      For example, type_AuditFinding|policy_Finding@state_Open

  3. Add the trigger ActionTaskBlockingActionPromoteCheck, which is required for the state promotion check event.
    1. For example, to create blocking tasks that must be completed before promoting a finding to the Resolution state, change the blocking task type to type_AuditFinding|policy_Finding@state_Open. Also add the ActionTaskBlockingActionPromoteCheck to the Open state promote check event., run the below MQL command:
    2. MQL>modify policy "Finding" state "Open" add trigger promote check emxTriggerManager input "PolicyFindingStateOpenPromoteCheck ActionTaskBlockingActionPromoteCheck";

      Ensure that the any other existing triggers related to that state of the policy are not over right.

  4. When you are finished updating the text file with all properties that you want to modify, use the text file to modify the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL