Name |
Name of the CAPA. |
CAPA Type |
Type of the CAPA. |
Originated |
Date when the CAPA was created. |
Owner | Name of the CAPA owner. |
Phase | Current phase of the object. |
Data Sources | Name | Name of the data source. |
Type | Data source type. |
Description | Information about the data source. |
Originated | Date when the data source was created. |
Root Causes | Name | Name of the defect cause. If the root cause has a hierarchy, only the lowest-level child causes are shown. |
State | State of the defect cause. |
Description | Information about the defect cause. |
Factor | Factor involved in the cause. |
Sub Factor | Sub class of the factor involved in the cause. |
Action Plan | Name | Name of the task. Only the tasks that are associated to a defect cause are listed. |
State | State of the task. |
Dates | If the task is completed, shows the actual finish date. Otherwise, shows the estimated finish date. |
Owner | Name of the task owner. |
Associated Defect Cause | Name of the associated defect cause. |
Measures of Effectiveness | Name | Name of the Measure of Effectiveness (MOE) task. |
State | State of the MOE task. |
Dates | If the task is completed, shows actual finish date. Otherwise, shows estimated finish date. |
Result | Result of the effectiveness check. |
Owner | Name of the task owner. |
Approvals | Name | Name of the approval object. |
Approver | If the task is approved, shows the name of the person who approves. |
Approval Status | If the task is approved, shows the approval status. Otherwise, displays Pending. |
Date | Date when the task was approved. |