CAPA Summary Report

This page displays the summary of the CAPA.

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To access this page:

SectionField/Column Description
Name Name of the CAPA.
CAPA Type Type of the CAPA.
Originated Date when the CAPA was created.
OwnerName of the CAPA owner.
PhaseCurrent phase of the object.
Data SourcesNameName of the data source.
TypeData source type.
DescriptionInformation about the data source.
OriginatedDate when the data source was created.
Root CausesNameName of the defect cause. If the root cause has a hierarchy, only the lowest-level child causes are shown.
StateState of the defect cause.
DescriptionInformation about the defect cause.
FactorFactor involved in the cause.
Sub FactorSub class of the factor involved in the cause.
Action PlanNameName of the task. Only the tasks that are associated to a defect cause are listed.
StateState of the task.
DatesIf the task is completed, shows the actual finish date. Otherwise, shows the estimated finish date.
OwnerName of the task owner.
Associated Defect CauseName of the associated defect cause.
Measures of EffectivenessNameName of the Measure of Effectiveness (MOE) task.
StateState of the MOE task.
DatesIf the task is completed, shows actual finish date. Otherwise, shows estimated finish date.
ResultResult of the effectiveness check.
OwnerName of the task owner.
ApprovalsNameName of the approval object.
ApproverIf the task is approved, shows the name of the person who approves.
Approval StatusIf the task is approved, shows the approval status. Otherwise, displays Pending.
DateDate when the task was approved.