
This page lists the CAPA requests that are duplicates of the selected CAPA request. This page appears only when the CAPA request is in the Approved, Committed, Fulfilled, or the Not Approved state. This page is available only for Quality Managers and CAPA members.

To access this page:

  1. From the CAPA Requests Page page, click the name of the required CAPA request.
  2. Select the Duplicates tab.

Column Name Description
Name Name of the duplicate CAPA request.
Severity Severity of the CAPA request. Possible values are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.
Created Date Date when the CAPA request was created.
StateState of the CAPA request. Possible state is Duplicate.
Source TypeSources through which the problem was identified.
Problem StatementDescription of the problem provided by the creator.
OriginatorName of the CAPA request creator.