- Click the Audit Name to view the Properties page.
The Audit Properties page displays the following information: - Name - The auto-generated audit name assigned by the system.
- Owner - The user who owns the audit.
- Audit Location - The location of the audit.
- Description - Additional information about the audit.
- Audit Type - The type of audit being conducted. The options are Customer, Internal Process, Internal System, Other, Registration, and Supplier.
- Supplier's Name - The name of the supplier being audited. You can click the supplier's name to view additional supplier information.
- Scope - The areas of focus for the audit.
- Is Re-audit - Indicates if the audit is the result of findings from a previous audit.
- Re-audit Of - The reference to the previous audit.
- Planned Start Date - The date the audit is expected to start.
- Planned End Date - The date of the expected audit closing meeting.
- Actual Start Date - The date the audit began. The system automatically enters the date the audit is promoted to the Active lifecycle state.
- Actual End Date - The day the audit ended. The system automatically enters the date the audit is promoted to the Finalization lifecycle state.
- Related Schedules - The schedules associated with an audit.
- Audit Format-The format in which audit happens. The options are Desktop, On-site, Questionaire, and Remote.
- Audit Objectives- Objectives of audit.
- Audited Organization -The organization which need to be audited.
- Click the page toolbar to work with the audit.