Viewing the Audit Structure

Any Audit user can view the structure of a specific audit. By default, the Audit Structure page shows the first level of an audit and the items that came from the audit.

Before you begin: Go to the Audit Properties page.
  1. From the action bar, click the Audit Structure section.
    The Audit Structure page lists the following information:
    • Type - The type of object.
    • Name - The system generated name for the object.
    • State - The current lifecycle state of the object.
    • Description - The information a user entered to describe the object.
    • (New Window) - View this object in a separate window.
  2. Use the page to perform the following Audit specific actions:
    • Click the object Name to view additional information about the object.
    • Use the Action Bar Sections.
    • Change your page view or use the Expand/Collapse nodes to navigate through the structure of an audit.
    • Use the page Shortcut menus.