Viewing Finding Properties

Use this procedure to view the Findings properties page. Any Audit user can perform this procedure.

Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Before you begin: Log into the system as an authorized Audit user.
  1. From the home page, click Audits > My Findings
  2. Click the Audit Finding Name to view.
    The Finding Properties page displays the following information:
    • Name - The auto-generated Finding name assigned by the system.
    • Auditor - The name of the individual who made the Finding.
    • Description - Additional information about the Finding.
    • Include Finding in Final Report? - Indicates if the Finding will be included in the final audit report.
    • Repeat Finding? - Indicates if the Finding was found during a previous audit.
    • Previous Finding Reference - Reference information for a Related Finding.
    • Justification - Information that supports the Finding.
    • Severity - Indicates the severity of the Finding within the scope of the audit.
    • Scope - The area of focus for the Finding.
    • Recommendation - Suggestions for resolving the Finding.
    • Response Type - Indicates the response type from the Auditee.
    • Finding Response - Additional details about the auditee response to the Finding.
    • Responder - The name of who responded to the Finding.
    • Follow-Up Required? - Indicates if additional actions are required for the Finding. If you select Yes, the Planned Follow-Up Date, Follow-Up Through Re-Audit, Resolution Assigned To fields get enabled and are mandatory. If you select No, the No Follow-Up Rationale field get enabled and is mandatory.
    • No Follow-Up Rationale - The reason for not performing any follow-up work on a Finding.
    • Planned Follow-Up Date - The date the follow up audit is expected to occur.
    • Follow-Up Through Re-Audit? - Indicates if an additional audit is required.
    • Resolution Assigned To - The name of the person responsible for resolving the Finding.
    • Resolution Summary - A brief description of the resolution for the Finding.
    • Functional Area - The business unit being audited.
    • Verified By - The name of the auditor who verified the effectivity of the Finding.
    • Date Verified - The date the Finding effectivity was verified.