Viewing Audit Members

Any audit user can view information about the role of a person within an audit.

Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Before you begin: Go to the Audit Properties page.
  1. From the action bar, click the Members section.
    The Audit Members page displays the following information:
    • Auditor Organization - The group performing the audit.
    • Lead Auditor - The Audit user who is coordinating the audit process. This user has the Lead Auditor role within the audit.
    • Auditors - The individuals who are conducting the audit. Auditors that are also Audit users have the Audit Member role within the audit.
    • Auditees - The individuals being audited. Auditees that are also Audit users have the Audit Member role within an audit.
  2. Use the page toolbar to work with the members of an audit. You can perform the following Audit specific actions:
    • Use the Sections menu
    • Add or remove audit members