From the Surface Reconstruction section of the action bar,
click Automatic 3D Primitive Recognition
Select a cloud of points.
Select the type of primitive to generate.
Adjust the deviation (Maximum distance between the generated primitive and the points
contributing to this primitive).
Enter the minimum number of points contributing to the primitive.
For cylinders, enter the minimum and maximum diameters.
Press Preview.
Move the cursor over a previewed primitive.
The properties of the primitive are displayed.
Right-click to discard selected primitive.
Use Hide/Show selected cloud
and Hide/Show created primitives
to verify the result.
If the preview is not satisfactory, repeat with other parameters values.
A new preview is computed and replaces the previous one.
Once the preview is satisfactory, validate it.
- The recognized primitives are generated in the tree and named after the type of primitives.
- The points that were not used to create primitives are gathered in a cloud of points
named UnusedCloud. At validation or exit,
UnusedCloud inherits the color of the initial points.
Move the cursor over a primitive to display its handles and edit it.
Right-click a primitive to delete it.
- Optional:
Repeat the process on UnusedCloud, using other parameters
Select the type of output.
- Features (Default option). One feature is created for each
recognized primitive. The features are gathered under the name of the primitive
- Meshes. One mesh is generated from all the contributing
points of each recognized primitive.
The meshes inherit the color of the contributing
points. The meshes are gathered under the name of the primitive type.
Validate to exit and create the generated primitives and