Select a mono-cell mesh or an existing Mesh Shape Analysis. Click Compute
- Start with a coarse level for a quick computation with few areas, then
try with finer levels.
- Continue with finer levels.
For a split,
click an area.
The area is split in two.
For a merge, pick an area and drag it on another.
All the areas under the mouse path are merged into the picked one.
- For a local split depending on the click location, shift-click an area.
- After at least one computation, press
You cannot split or merge areas in brush mode.
- Adjust the size of the brush with the slider.
- Drag the brush from an area with a start color, to an area with another color.
The triangles under the brush take the color of the start color. This is an easy way to: - Extend an area.
- Smooth a border between two areas, by changing the color of unruly triangles.
- Cut an area by a narrow zone separating two larger domains to be managed separately.