Except for the input curves and elements, the parameters of the dialog box are modal.
Choose a view parallel to the screen.
Multi-selection is available.
Input elements can be:
- Clouds of points
- Meshes
- Surfaces
- Volumes.
If input elements are surfaces or volumes, they are automatically tessellated within the command
with a Sag value that you can edit.
Output elements can be:
- Scans, distinct or grouped
- Or curves.
- No output mesh is produced.
- Grouped output can be grouped in one entity, or by element or by
Cutting planes can be defined by a reference plane, or a guide
line, or by independent planes.
User selection filter can be used to select limiting curves, but
not to select the guide curve.
Creating planar sections on a mesh rather than on a cloud
of points has some advantages:
- The preview is dynamic on meshes.
- In the case of a cloud of points, the intersection may be
interpolated, since the plane does not necessarily
intersect points.

- That problem is reduced with meshes since the plane intersects
providing a better accuracy.

If you process a hybrid CloudsUnion element made of a mesh and a cloud of
points, the planar sections are created on the mesh only.
Possible outputs for planar sections are listed below.
If Grouped is not selected:
Output in Planar Sections | Output in XYZ Automatic Planar Sections |
Scans are created as distinct Planar Sections.

| Scans are created as distinct Planar Sections (one entity for each section and for each element to cut in the 3 directions).

If Grouped, In one entity are selected:
Output in Planar Sections | Output in XYZ Automatic Planar Sections |
Scans are created as one group of Planar Sections

| Scans are created as one group of Planar Sections in each direction.

If Grouped, By plane are selected:
If Grouped, By element are selected:
Output in Planar Sections | Output in XYZ Automatic Planar Sections |
Scans are created as one group of Planar Sections
for each element selected. The name of the Planar Sections contains the name of the related

| Scans are created as one group of Planar Sections
for each element selected. The name of the Planar Sections contains the name of the related
