Creating Fillets for Flat Cables

You can fillet edges of a flat cable. Fillets enhance the solidity and reliability of your product.

  • Fillets are taken into account during the export to ECAD.
  • Fillets created in the Part Design app are not compatible with Rigid Flexible Circuit Board Design.

Before you begin: Activate the electrical branch geometry of your model in Circuit Board Design.
  1. From the Rigid Flex section of the action bar, click Create Fillet for Flat Cable .
  2. In the tree or in the 3D area, select a flat cable.

    Note: You cannot create fillets on a flat cable which contains branch points. If you select a flat cable containing branch points, a warning message appears in a tooltip.

    • The Flat Cable Fillet Definition dialog box appears.
    • In the 3D area, valid edges are displayed.

      Notes: To be valid, an edge must be tangent to the face of the board and must have the same thickness as the flat cable.
  3. Select the edge you want to fillet.

    Tip: You can select several edges. In the Flat Cable Fillet Definition dialog box, click to view and manage the selected edges to fillet.

    The Select Edges dialog box appears to allow you to remove some edges from your selection or to erase your selection.

    • In the Flat Cable Fillet Definition dialog box, the name of the selected edge is displayed in the Edge(s) box.
    • In the 3D area, a preview of the fillet is displayed.

  4. Under Fillet Parameters, edit the Radius value.

    • If you set a radius that is not compatible with your model, a warning message appears in a dialog box.
    • In case of selection of multiple edges, the radius is applied to all the selected edges.

    In the 3D area, the preview of the fillet is updated according to the chosen value.
  5. Click OK to validate.
    • The fillet is created.

    • In the tree, the new fillet appears under the Geometrical Set node.
  6. To edit an existing fillet:
    1. Double-click an existing fillet in the tree or in the 3D area.
      The Flat Cable Fillet Definition dialog box appears.
    2. Under Fillet Parameters, edit the Radius value.

      Note: If you set a radius that is not compatible with your model, a warning message appears in a dialog box.

      In the 3D area, the preview of the fillet is updated according to the chosen value.
    3. Click OK to validate.