Creating and Applying Knowledge Rules

You can validate a 3D design at any stage of the design process through the use of Knowledge Rules.

These rules validate:

  • That the 3D geometry is complete
  • That the company design rules are respected

The administrator create the rules in the Quality Rules Reuse app.

Note: The following task provides a very brief outline of how to work with knowledge rules using the sample rules installed by default with your application. For complete information on how to work with knowledge rules, see the Quality Rules Reuse User's Guide.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: You or your administrator must have installed the app content. For more information, see Native Apps Installation: Installing Native Apps.

Create a Knowledge Rule

You can import and work with a sample knowledge rule.

  1. Import the sample knowledge rules file:
    1. Select Add > Import > 3D XML....
    2. In the Import 3D XML dialog box, Path field, select and click Select Folder.
    3. In the Import 3D XML dialog box, select BendManufacturabilityCheckSet.3dxml and click OK.
    The Explore window appears.
  2. In the Explore window, right-click the name of the rule set BendManufacturabilityCheckSet and select Open.
    The PLM Rule Sets appears. This sample set contains rules for:
    • Bend radius
    • Minimum grip length
    • Minimum tangent length
    • Maximum and minimum bend angle
    • Maximum total length
  3. To see an example of one of the rules, double-click BendRadiusViolationCheck.
    The PLM Check Editor dialog box appears. You can use it to modify the rules.
  4. When finished viewing or modifying the rules, click OK.
  5. To save your changes in the database, click Share > Save > Save with Options.
    Tip: To list the ports of a , use the children method in the object.

Apply a Knowledge Rule

This section describes how to apply a knowledge rule to a design.

Before you begin: Open a design.
  1. From the Compass, click Quality Rules Reuse.
  2. From the Knowl-how Reuse section of the action bar, click PLM Solve.
    The Object Selection dialog box appears.
  3. In the Object Selection dialog box, search for the rule set you created previously (in the example above, BendManufacturabilityCheckSet) and then click OK.
    The knowledge rules are applied and the results appear the Reports dialog box.