
This section describes the Standard tables and how you can customize them.

This page discusses:


This resource file is a discrete list of all the standards you use.

In Data Setup, this table should be assigned to:

  • when using file-based tables, the Standard item in the resource table of Raceway Design Resources with a Standard criteria.
  • when using Engineering Specification objects, the Standard item in the resource table of Raceway Specification Resources.

Table Description

To customize the table, enter a line in the spreadsheet for each standard in every material that you use.

File-Based Table

A typical Standard file-based table is shown below:


This table is used to set the Standard attribute on raceway objects. The value you entered as Standard criteria in the resource set must exist in this table.

Engineering Specification Table

A typical Standard Engineering Specification table is shown below:


This table, when inside the Standard item in the Raceway Specification Resources resource table, is used to set the Standard attribute on raceway objects and Engineering Specification raceway objects.

The column definition is as follow:

Column NameColumn TypeLink to TableLink to Column

Sample Resource File

The default location of Raceway_Standard.xls is


Where Used

Used in this appWhenIs seen as
Electrical Raceway 3D Part DesignCreating partsStandard list in Typed Part dialog box.
Data SetupFilling the criteria column
Electrical Raceway 3D Part DesignCreating a Line IDStandard list in Create Line ID dialog box.
Electrical Raceway 3D DesignCreating objects using Add > ContentAttributes in the dialog box.
Electrical Raceway 3D Part DesignUsing the Port Attribute Management optionAttributes in the dialog box.