Tray Reference Dimension

This section describes the Tray Reference Dimension tables and how you can customize them.

This page discusses:


This section provides a brief overview of the Tray Reference Dimension tables.

The Tray Reference Dimension tables list all the trays or other routable components available to the user within a tray specification.

The table shows all sizes and certain other parameters.

In Data Setup, this definition table should be assigned to:

  • when using file-based table, the Tray Reference Dimension item in the resource table of Raceway Design Resources.
  • when using Engineering Specification objects and depending on the usage:
    • the Tray Reference Dimension item in the resource table of Raceway Specification Resources.
    • a Parts Filter in a specification in the resource table of Raceway Specification Resources.

Table Description

This section describes the customization options of the Tray Reference Dimension table.

File-Based Table

The table appears when you click the Route Size Table button while routing. For each tray specification, you need to create a table listing the materials and other attributes permissible in your project.

A typical Tray Reference Dimension file-based table is shown below:

V_NominalSizeV_RealizationTypeV_ShapeV_HeightV_WidthDS_MaterialMaterial CategoryV_WallThicknessV_EndStyleV_MaxLength

To customize the table, enter a line in the spreadsheet for each standard, nominal size, shape, height, and width that you use.

ParameterTypeImportanceInput / OutputDescription
V_StandardStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering
V_EquivalentDiameterStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering
V_MaterialNameStringRequiredOutputThe material used for the duct. It will be applied if found in the material catalog.
Note: Values in the Tray Reference Dimension tables are independent of the values you enter in the discrete list tables.
Important: Any material you specify in the Tray Reference Dimension table must exist in the database. There is a specific procedure for creating material - you must use this procedure and save the material in the database first. For more information, see the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps and the Material Definition User's Guide. The name in the DS_Material column must match the name in the database. Also note that material names in the database must be unique. If you have two entries with the name nickel in the database then, when you are routing a nickel tray, you will get an error message and material will not be applied to the tray.

A V_LinearWeight column can be added in this table listing linear weights. If this column is not defined in the table, the value of linear weight will be considered as zero.

Engineering Specification Table


The table is used for attributes valuation on trays when you create reference parts outside of specification context.

A typical Raceway Tray Reference Dimension Table is shown below:

Nominal SizeRealization TypeShapeHeightWidthMaterialMaterial CategoryWall ThicknessEnd StyleMaximum Length

The columns definitions are as follow:

Column NameColumn TypeLink to TableLink to Column
Nominal SizeNominal SizeNominal SizeNominal Size
Realization TypeStringRealization TypeRealization Type
ShapeStringNominal SizeShape
HeightLengthNominal SizeHeight
WidthLengthNominal SizeWidth
Material CategoryStringMaterialMaterial Category
Wall ThicknessLength--
End StyleStringEnd StyleEnd Style
Maximum LengthLength--

The table has the following attribute:

  • Standard

Parts Filter

Parts Filters are used when you create trays in a specification context.

Working in a specification context, Parts Filters are computed to give the tray allowed in the current specification instead of building a query on database or catalog from the tray reference dimension table.

Sample Resource File

This section explains where to find the sample resource file.

The default location of XXX_XXX_TrayReferenceDefinition.xls is


and then the relevant specification, such as SS150R.

Where Used

Used in this appWhenIs seen as
Electrical Raceway 3D DesignRouting trays-
Electrical Raceway 3D DesignModifying tray referenceTray Reference Table