Turn Rule

This section describes the Turn Rule tables and how you can customize them.

This page discusses:


This section provides a brief overview of the Turn Rules tables.

The Turn Rules table allows you to manage a routable turns. It is composed of input columns referring to the Reference Dimension table, and output columns that define the authorized values for the Bend Radius and if a specific part should be used to realize the turn (specific elbows, nothing...).

The Bend Radius column contains the bend radius to be applied. If it is equal to 0mm or Unset, the combination of Bend Diameter and Diameter Factor gives the value of the Bend Radius with the following formula : "Bend Radius"="Bend Diameter"*"Diameter Factor". The value inside the Nominal Bend Radius is used to value the corresponding attribute on objects. It is only informative and not used by the app.

Note that the Bend Radius column represents the Inner Bend Radius in case of non-circular shapes.

In Data Setup, this table should be assigned to:

  • when using file-based tables, the Turn Rule item in the resource table of Raceway Design Resources.
  • when using Engineering Specification objects, a specification in the resource table of Raceway Specification Resources.

Table Description

This section describes the customization options of the Turn Rule tables.

The following table describes the meaning of each column.

ParameterTypeImportanceInput / OutputDescription
Nominal SizeStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
Realization TypeStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
ShapeStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
HeightLengthRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
WidthLengthRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
MaterialMaterialOptionalInputUsed for filtering.
Material CategoryStringRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
Wall ThicknessLengthRequiredInputUsed for filtering.
Bend RadiusLengthOptionalOutputEnter value required for each standard, material and size.
Turn CaseStringOptionalOutput
Physical Part SubtypeStringOptionalOutputPart Subtype to use to create the bend.

File-Based Table

A typical Turn Rule file-based table is shown below:

Important: The columns must all be found in this order to be correctly read by the app.

Engineering Specification Table

A typical Raceway Turn Rule table is shown below:

Nominal SizeRealization TypeShapeHeightWidthMaterialMaterial CategoryWall ThicknessBend RadiusTurn CasePhysical Part Subtype

The columns definitions are as follow:

Column NameColumn TypeLink to TableLink to Column
Nominal SizeNominal SizeTray Reference DimensionNominal Size
Realization TypeStringTray Reference DimensionRealization Type
ShapeStringTray Reference DimensionWall Thickness
HeightLengthTray Reference DimensionHeight
WidthLengthTray Reference DimensionWidth
MaterialMaterialTray Reference DimensionMaterial
Material CategoryStringTray Reference DimensionMaterial Category
Wall ThicknessLengthTray Reference DimensionWall Thickness
Bend RadiusLength--
Turn CaseString--
Physical Part SubtypeStringPhysical Part SubtypePhysical Part Subtype

The table has the following attributes:

  • Standard
  • Circuit Type

Sample Resource File

This section explains where to find the sample resource file.

The default location of XXX_XXX_TurnRules.xls is:


and then the relevant specification, such as SS150R.

Where Used

Used in this appWhenIs seen as
Electrical Raceway 3D DesignRouting traysTable Browser dialog box