Placing a Part on a Port or Node

You can place a part on a port using the Place on Port or Node command.

Before you begin: The necessary parts must be stored in catalogs or in database.
See Also
About Placing Parts
  1. From the Fluidic Design section of the action bar, click Place Part .
  2. In the context toolbar, click Raceway > Placement methods > Place on port or node .
  3. Select the part or the tray on which you want to insert the part.

    If the part has:

    • Only one free port: the port is automatically selected.
    • At least two free ports or all ports connected: the port closest to the selection is automatically selected.

    The selected port becomes green.

    Tip: When you select the port before the part, you can still change your selection by clicking another port.

    The Part Subtypes dialog box appears.

  4. Select a part.
    For more information, see Selecting a Part.

    The part is inserted on the port or node, and the Manipulate and the Flip options are displayed in the context toolbar to help you position the part.

    Important: When placing a part on a route node or segment, if the directional point length is greater than the next node on the route, a directional point is created at half distance between the port of the part and the next node.
    Note: While placing a part on another part or on a tray, a gap value is calculated as follow:
    • you place a part B on a part A, gap value is calculated using the attributes of the part A.
    • you place a part at the extremity of a tray or on a route segment, the gap value is calculated using the attributes of the part.

    You can set the gap value in the Gap Managament table, available in the Raceway Design Resources.

  5. Position the part.
    The Manipulate option allows you to rotate the part by clicking and dragging handles.
    Note: If the part is a reducer, the following options are available in the context toolbar:
    • No resize if you do not want to resize the network.
    • Only Pipe to propagate changes through the connected trays only.
    • Until Next Junction to propagate changes up to the next junction.
    • All Network to propagate the changes to the whole network.
  6. Click Commit to validate.