Placing a Part on a Route Skin

You can place a part on a route skin using the Place on Route Skin command.

Before you begin: Make sure that the part have the right values. For more information, see Creating Parts References.
  1. From the Fluidic Design section of the action bar, click Place Part .
  2. On the context toolbar, click Raceway > Placement methods > Place on Route Skin .
  3. Select a route segment on which you want to place the part.
    A dialog box that lists available parts appears.
  4. Select the part you want to place.
    Note: The part must have one or more port.

    The Place branch part panel appears.

  5. Depending on the shape of the route on which you want to place the part, select the options and enter the values of your choice:
    • For circular route:
    Axial offset value Computes automatically the axial offset value based on main route section dimensions.
    Rotate by 90 deg : rotates by 90° the part to fit with the circular shape of the route.
    Flip to next port : changes the port on which you want to place the part.
    • For rectangular route:
    Axial offset value Computes automatically the axial offset value of the part based on the main route section dimensions.
    Lateral offset value Changes the lateral offset position value of the part.
    Note: The lateral offset value is always positive.
    Lateral offset modePositions the part depending on one of the following mode:
    • Center-center: the center of the branch part is aligned with the center of the segment.
    • Skin-skin: the skin of the branch part is aligned with the skin of the segment.
    • Skin-center: the skin of the branch part is aligned with the center of the segment.
    • Center to skin mode: the center of the branch part is aligned with the skin of the segment.
    Reverse offset side Changes the offset side position of the part.
    Note: The offset distance is recomputed based on the new offset side.
    Auto orientation
    • : enables the alignment of the part with the route depending on the height or width of the route.
    • : disables the alignment of the part with the route depending on the height or width of the route.
    Rotate by 90 deg : rotates by 90° the part.
    Flip to next port : changes the port on which you want to place the part.
  6. Optional: Change the part position manually with the ruler:
    • You can define the position of the part with the linear and orientation ruler:
      • by clicking and dragging the branch part with the mouse
      • by pressing the space bar and entering a value
    • You can click the green point to change the origin of the ruler.
    For more information, see Contextual Ruler.
  7. Click Commit to validate.

The part is placed on the route.