Computing Associations between Cableways and Trays

You can compute the associations between cableways and trays. This information is used by other commands or capabilities such as Data Information panel, Knowledgeware or Display Status between Cableways and Trays. The association between cableways and trays is built from the geometry: a tray is associated to a cableway if the geometry is inside the geometry of the cableway. The association can be full or partial.

Before you begin: Open a product containing trays and cableways.
See Also
Cableway Segment and Tray Link Information
  1. Select one product containing trays and another product containing cableways.
  2. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Compute Relation between Cableway and Tray .
  3. In the Compute Relation between Cableway and Tray dialog box, select one of the following:
    • Flush: previous data are cleaned and a new mapping between cableways and trays is computed
    • No Flush: if you have already computed, previous data are kept and only the new ones are computed.
    A message appears and provides the number of cableways and trays processed.

The association is computed only with the objects contained in the two selected products.

Note: If you switch to another tab, the association between cableways and trays (cache) is cleaned.