About Bends

The rebar creation command enables you to create bends also referred to as bending segments as well as specify bending's radius on the rebar profile.

This page discusses:

What is a Bend in the Rebar App?

The bends creation is driven by the bar topology you are creating.

You can create a rebar wire with the following methods:

  • From a user defined feature instantiation
  • Using the Wire selection mode
  • Using the Wire from picking points mode

During the wire creation process, sharp vertices are automatically detected . If such vertices are found, then 3D corners are created at each sharp vertex location.

How is the Bend Radius Specified?

Whether a configuration table was defined on the reinforcing object type (that is a predefined rebar profile) determines the bend radius value. let's detail the various situations.

If a configuration table was previously defined for the reinforcing bar object type, and a radius value was specified in the BendingRadius column for the current designation, then this value is accounted for to initialize the bending radius value.

Conversely, if no bending radius can be retrieved from the configuration table or if no configuration table was defined for the reinforcing object type:

  • The bending radius is retrieved from the rebar preference settings created each time you click Ok and proposed as default.
  • A default value (10cm) is provided for the bending radius at the first run of the rebar creation.

This bending radius value is applied on all corners of the rebar layer.


If the topology is the same for all profiles of the rebar layer (same number of corners for each bar), you can specify a new bending radius value. This new radius value is replicated by the pattern on the corners with same position in the bar profile:

Example of a rebar layer with 3 bars Same topology (2 corners per bar profile)
Same radius R1 is set on each corner

R1 is set on the first corner of the bar, R2 is set on the second corner

Note: If the rebar layer topology is changed (the number of corners differs for one or several bars), an error message informs you that a bending radius value can no longer be overloaded locally. In this case, you can reconsider you design or switch back to a unique bending radius value.

If the topology varies for one or several bars within the rebar layer, you can either:

  • Extract a bar and modify its radius value if only one bar needs a specific change.
  • Create new layers if the radius value must be changed for a group of bars.