Running an Interference Analysis

About Interference Analysis

You can run an interference analysis between bars of different rebar layers (globally) or with a single rebar layer (locally). The Rebar Interference command can be accessed directly from the Rebar creation command (Interference tab) or from the Reinforcement section of the action bar.

The interference analysis is performed on a 3DPart. Notice that the standard interference simulation tool remains the tool to use at Product level.

This page discusses:

What is checked?

Running an interference analysis in the rebar consists in detecting clashes, contact, clearances with values according the following situations:

  • Clash
    • Reminder: A clash between bars is acceptable for few centimeters (in case of small diameters)
    • Computation with an overlap tolerance parameter (or penetration depth) is available but can be very time consuming.
    • A diameter parameter is also introduced to manage this case: Clash is authorized for rebars whose diameter is less than this value.
  • Contact
  • Clearance with values
    • Check cover thickness (rebars versus solid). Only a single value is proposed identical value for all faces.
    • Clearance between rebars: Checks the rebar layer auto-intersection, that is an intersection between bars of the same layer. This is not possible to prevent by construction. As this process can be time consuming it is proposed optionally.

About the Rebar Interference Dialog Box

The figure above describes the interferences options as follows:

  • : First set is the selection of rebar layer (s).
  • : Multiselection of rebar layer.
  • : Hide/Show: Hides or shows the selected elements of the first set in the 3D area.
  • : Between components check mode. The interference analysis is run between selected elements in the first set. If cleared, each element of the first set is only clashed with the elements from the second set. Although the modes are not exclusive, the more options you specify, the longer the interference calculation will be.
  • : Inside components check mode. The interference analysis is run within the selected rebar layer and computes interferences between bars inside each single rebar layer.
  • : Selection of rebar / solid / surface (usually the concrete part).
  • : Multiselection depending on the first selection.
  • : Conditions to compute interferences (cover thickness, rebar clearance, minimum diameter).
  • : Buttons to navigate the detected clashes, contacts, cover thickness issues.The Filter lets you choose to display or not the detected interferences by clicking the corresponding check boxes (contact, clash, cover thickness).
    Note: The filtered display is not kept if you exit the command.
  • Two check boxes:
    • Include in update: Clear this option if you want the computation to be run when the feature is edited only. By default, the check box is selected.
    • Raise only a warning: Only a warning is raised, the feature will not be in error if interferences are detected.
  • A message that indicates the status of the computation results is also provided.