Right-click the
rebar feature that can be any of the following:
- Rebar layer
- Rebar wire
- Pattern feature (optionally)
Select the command of your choice from the context menu displayed.
Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts.
- You cannot delete a rebar wire feature as it is instantiated under the rebar layer feature.
- Deleting a rebar layer deletes the
corresponding publication.
- You can isolate a rebar layer
- Optional: Isolate a rebar layer:
- If
the feature is a surfacic feature, a surfacic datum
feature containing the entire bars geometry is created.
- lf the
rebar Layer feature is a volumic feature, a volumic datum feature
containing all the bars geometry is created.
The geometries instantiated under the isolated rebar layer feature are instantiated under the rebar layer parent feature.
rebar wire feature is also isolated as a datum feature containing
the entire bars wireframe.
- Right-click anywhere in the 3D area and in the App Options panel, turn on the Create Datum mode so that datum features can be generated during the creation of the rebar layer feature.
When you click Ok in the Rebar Creation dialog box
: - Surfacic datum features are created for each bar of the layer
instead of the rebar layer feature if you decided to create a
surfacic layer (Switch to Surfacic option available in the App Options panel).
- Volumic datum features are created for each bar of the layer
instead of the rebar layer feature if you decided to create a
volumic layer (default option).
- If a datum feature containing the whole bars
geometry (and not one datum per bar) is required, you can perform a copy paste - As Result operation
on the rebar layer feature.