Hiding or Showing Rebar Layers

You can have a simpler view and more accessible interaction with objects by hiding, ghosting or making non-clickable unnecessary objects depending on the rebar creation mode.

The Hide/Show Rebar Layer command does not belong to the rebar creation command and it is specific to rebar layer only.

  1. To hide all the rebar layers in the active part, click Hide Rebar Layer from the Reinforcement section of the action bar.

    Hiding rebars or rebars wires lightens the scene. In the Wire Selection mode, all the building elements (sketch, axis systems) of the bars are hidden by default.

    Ghosting bars or concrete/axis systems eases selection:

    • Wire Selection: the bars become transparent and are non-pickable by default, because only concrete is useful at this stage and can be selected.
    • Strap and Mesh modes: Inversely to Wire selection, concrete and axis systems are ghosted (displays as partially transparent) by default and you cannot select them (however it is possible in Wire selection mode), so that you can select bars more easily.

    Tip: Hiding the rebar layers and showing the rebar wires minimizes the size on disk when saving.
  2. Click Show Rebar Layer if required.

The rebar layer is created and identified in the tree under a geometrical set.