Manipulating Extracted Bars

You can manipulate an extracted bar or a group of extracted bars using the Robot Manipulation. Although the Robot Manipulation is available to manipulate all rebar layers, this procedure describes the robot manipulation for extracted bars.

Before you begin: Extract bars from a rebar layer.
See Also
Reintegrating Bars in a Rebar Layer
Extracting Bars from a Rebar Layer
  1. Click Robot Manipulation .
  2. Select a rebar layer in the tree.
  3. From the Manipulation context toolbar, select the options accordingly.
    Permutation : Performs a 90° permutation of all axis that belong to the axis system.
    Swap Axis : Swaps the axis ( X and Y), (Y and Z) or (Z and X) of the axis system.
    Invert Axis : Inverts the directions (X or/and Y or/and Z) of the axis system.
    Update : Updates the rebar feature.
    Exit : Exits the command.

The extracted bar or extracted group of bars is positioned with respect to the manipulation performed. Note the Robot manipulation is available to manipulate rebar layers.