To split a Rebar layer feature, click Rebar
from the
Reinforcement section of the action bar.
The Rebar transformations dialog box displays the list of the
possible transformations. You also can perform other transformations. For more information, see Performing General Transformations.
Expand the Engineering transformations section and click
the Rebar Split command.
Select a layer in the
or in the
3D area.
You can create a rebar split from the Rebar Split
rebar Accessories
Once the layer is selected, the split options are revealed in the command
dialog box. The longest bar is automatically chosen and a curvilinear
pattern is created along its curve for replication. The center curve of the
longest bar of the selected layer is used to place all the cutting points.
The curvilinear pattern can be edited through this command in the dialog box. Therefore,
axis can be moved, pattern definition can be changed from
Spacing mode to Count mode
and axis can be deactivated. Pattern axis, cutting points and split lengths
are shown in the 3D, but axis cannot be edited within the Rebar
Split command.
The pattern is set in Spacing mode, and
- If the Bar Length is defined on the selected layer (attribute value
filled in the Object Type used by the Layer), this value is used as
a spacing value (the manufacturing length of the bar is then
directly used).
- If the Bar Length is not defined:
- If a spacing value is stored in the split preferences, this
value is used as a spacing value.
- Otherwise, if the length of the longest bar is greater than
8 meters, 8m is set as the spacing value (and set as default
spacing value in the split preferences). If the user enters
a spacing value manually in the pattern command, this value
is stored as the default spacing value in split preferences.
- Or, if the length of the longest bar is less than 8 meters,
the spacing value is set as the length of the first bar
divided by 2, to cut the bar in the middle (but not set as
default spacing value in the split preferences).
Moreover the pattern's option Axis Orientation in the
Curvilinear Pattern dialog box, is set to
Tangency Imposed by default (Z tangent).
You can also select the Count mode, instead of the
Spacing mode, in the Group
1 dialog box to choose the number of the split bars
(distance between the axis of the pattern), taking the start of the first
bar into account. See About Rebar Patterning.
You can use both options by selecting the Count and
spacing mode, to divide the bars evenly.
To reinitialize the rebar group distribution, do the following:
- Edit the text in the Distribution box, for
300mm+2x400mm+335mm , or 3x300 .
The pattern will contain one axis system at 300mm, two axis systems every
400mm, and one more axis system at 335mm.With the textual distribution,
it is no more necessary to edit the Pattern feature to modify or create
Pattern Groups and their distribution. The general distribution text
format is: C1 x S1 + C2 x S2 + C3 x S3. "Ci": is the number of
axis of the group "i". If the number of axis of this group is equal to
1, it can be omitted. "Si": is the spacing length of this same
group. It can be associated to a unit, or without unit. If it does not
have unit, the unit set in Preferences is used. If a unit is used to
define a length, the same unit must be used for all lengths
- Create Pattern groups: Points must be created/selected in the 3D area to split existing groups into two parts.
- When you initialize the rebar layer layout, there is only one group in
the pattern. The Count and Spacing modes can be changed with the combo box.
If you click:
- Count
: Only count value modification and only one group are
- Spacing
: Only spacing value modification and only one group are
- Count and Spacing
: Count and Spacing values modification is allowed and several
groups can be created. If a Pattern end point is specified, a
Limit Spacing option is available to
shift the Pattern distribution.
If the current mode is Count and spacing, it can contain as many
groups as needed, separated by the plus sign. All the groups created are
in the Count and spacing mode. There cannot be several groups with
different modes. If you change the definition of one group, the text
editor is grayed out. If a pattern end point is specified, a
Limit Spacing option is available to shift
the pattern distribution. If a start and/or end offset values are
defined, distribution is done between these boundaries. The start and
end offsets are not managed in the text editor, edit the pattern by
clicking to
modify their values.
- Click
launch the pattern for more precise edition. If you quit the
Rebar Split command, double-click Bars
split in the tree, the Rebar Split
command reopens.
Click anywhere in the 3D area to validate the distribution text, and the preview of the Axis systems is
refreshed. An error message may appear if the input distribution text is
incorrect. The pattern distribution is reinitialized with this text. Then
you can continue to edit the rebar layers.
Select one of the bars.
If the BIM manager has specified the default length in the ObjectType (BarLength=10m) of
the bar, this value will be chosen for the positioning of cutting points (for
example, every 10 meters). If this length has not been defined in ObjectType,
you can define a first split via the Spacing command (5m
for example) in the Group 1 dialog box of the
Curvilinear Pattern command. For more information, see Creating a Curvilinear Pattern.
There is a preview of the split bars in the
3D area
- Text information (5m for example) on bars, when the
preferences' length is taken into account. However, when the total length of
the bar is lower than the chosen split value (5 meters), the bar will only be
divided into two bars.
- Blue dots to visualize the cutting points (the split) on each
bar. They cannot be selected in preview, unlike the pattern's axis.
- Red dots to display the cutting points when they are on bends,
because split is always set on straight bars, not on bends, to reinforce rods
in concrete.
Select the split options:
- Selection: select a layer in the tree or in the 3D area (see Step 2). If no layer is selected, the
OK/Apply buttons and
the split options are not available. Select the axis to move the red
dots away from the bends. Then, they turn blue.
Mode, there are two cutting modes:
- Standard: selected by default when no
layer had been selected before. The split lengths obtained from
the curvilinear pattern on the (longest) bar are reported on the
other bars, beginning from the bar start extremities. To begin
from the bar end extremities, the pattern must be edited and an
inversion of the curve must be done with this button
. This mode is convenient when the bars have the same
length/shape. When they do not have the same shape, the cutting
points are repositioned with the same distance, and therefore
they are shifted on the bars.
- Projected: the cutting points obtained
from the curvilinear pattern on the longest bar are projected on
the other bars. The projection direction is the normal to the Y
pattern axis tangent direction. The XY plane, from each axis of
the pattern, is taken into account and the bars intersects with
this XY plane of the axis. The split follows the XY plane to
intersect on the bars. This mode is used when the layer's bars
do not have the same length/shape.
Any modification of the initial layer is affecting and is reported in
the result layer. The Engineering Transformations
command generates:
- A Geometrical Set named Geometrical transformation Set.X: it is
created along with a new Engineering transformation feature,
including all the result layers (features) resulting from the split
of the input layer you selected. They are also visible in the 3D area.
- A Engineering transformation feature named Reinforcing bars
transformation.X under this new Geometrical Set (where X is a
number), including the rebar split feature carrying all the split
specifications (cutting positioning) because it aggregates the
pattern component. It is only visible in the tree because it stands for the split operation, not for the
geometrical result.
- N Rebar Layer features: The number of new features depends on how
the transformation has been defined in the command.
When a curvilinear pattern already exists, click
Edit the pattern
to edit it.
The Curvilinear Pattern and
Group1 dialog boxes open. The pattern's axis can be
selected and moved to modify the cutting points' position. With the
Edit the pattern command, you can also distribute
cutting points on the other bars of the selected layer. The split lengths
obtained from the curvilinear pattern on the first bar are reported on the
other bars, beginning from the bar start extremities. To begin from the bar
end extremities, the pattern must be edited and an inversion of the curve
must be done with Edit the pattern.
Apply in the
Curvilinear Pattern dialog box to launch the
actual rebar split.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of
an action. It is accompanied by a textual information, for instance: 30/50
rebars, to know the time needed for rebar creation. To stop the computation,
press the Escape, then computation is stopped and the feature returns to the
state before this computation.
Split layers are visible in the 3D area, characterised by an alternation of a dark blue color and a light blue
- The input layer that has been split is not taken into account in the bar
mark process. All the result layers generated by the split have no bar
mark, thus the bar mark command must be launched explicitly to associate
the related bar marks to those new layers.
- When you decide to generate a rebar report without the No Show elements,
the input layer that has been split is ignored in the report, and only
the result split layers are listed.
- The initial layer that has been split is involved in the change Level of
Development (uncheck the line related to this layer in the user
interface not to take it into account). All the result split layers are
also managed by this command.
The input layer you had selected at the beginning (Step 2) is in the No Show
space, because it is a layer for the split building. Only the result layers
will be used for the next steps, but they still rely on the input layer. By
default, they are synchronized with the input layer and you cannot edit them
To modify a result layer independently from the input layer (for
a local change: diameter for example), click the result feature in the
and select the
Rebar Split desynchronization
contextual command.
By default, the initial layer and the result layers are
synchronized, i.e they are sharing the same Reinforcing bar Object Type, the
same inputs (limiting surfaces in Template mode, support bars in Strap/Mesh
mode,…), and the same Pattern. If you want to modify a split result layer for a
local design change (for example, modification of bar diameter), therefore, you
need to desynchronize a result layer.
Once the result layer is desynchronized, double-click it to
modify it.
To synchronize it back, select the
Rebar Split synchronization
contextual command appearing when the result feature is
selected in the
All the modifications done during the desynchronization of the
result feature are canceled. You cannot modify the result layer independently
from the input layer.