In this step you will check for interferences between bars in a single rebar layer, diagnose the clash, and modify the rebar layer accordingly.
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From the Reinforcement section of the action bar, click
Rebar Interference.
Select the Reinforcing bars layer. 5 in the tree.
Select the PartBody to select the pier.
A warning message appears. In the Rebar Interference dialog box, the status lets you analyze further the detected clash and remove
Close the warning message.
Diagnose the clash by zooming the bars.
Click Ok.
Edit the Reinforcing bars layer. 5 .
In the Rebar Support flag, retrieve the rebar support axis system value (30mm).
In the Input tab, specify 30mm for Y in the Template Parameters area. This value correspond to the distance between the rebar layer and the pier's support face.
You run an interference analysis, diagnose the issues and clear the relevant clash.