Inserting Lists

You can insert bulleted lists and numbered lists in a template. The following scenario adds a list in a section. The scenario is identical if you add a list to a template or to another list.

Note: By default, lists are bulleted lists.

See Also
About Structure Elements
  1. To create the section, from the Structures list:
    1. Drag the Section element into the Graphical area.
      A section area is added to the template structure.
    2. To define the section title, insert a text into the section area. See Inserting Free Text.
  2. To create the list, from the Structures list:
    1. Drag the List element into the section area.
      A list area is added to the template structure.
    2. Optional: To define the list as numbered list, select the Numbered element in the List Type field of the Properties tab.
    3. Drag the List Item element into the list element.
    4. Optional: Repeat Substep c to add several items.
  3. To create a sublevel of bullet list, from the Structures list:
    1. Drag the List element into a list item.
    2. Drag the List Item element into the previous list element.
    3. Optional: Repeat Substep b to add several items.
  4. Optional: To format and filter the element, more options are available in the form. For more information, see Data, Structure Elements, and Instructions.

The bullet list is added to the template structure. You can now add elements to the list items. For more information, see Data, Structure Elements, and Instructions.