Ignoring Structure Content

To improve the structures display when their children content is empty, you can skip sections, tables, and lists. The following scenario shows how to only display a section if it includes a child content based on data.

  1. From the Structures list:
    1. Drag the Section element into the Graphical area.
    2. To define the section title, insert a text into the inserted section area. See Inserting Free Text.
  2. Insert structure elements, loops, and instructions in the section. For more information, see Data, Structure Elements, and Instructions.
  3. Optional: To avoid the generation of the section if the generation of its child structures is empty, select the Ignore when empty option.
    Depending on parameters and data:
    • If a descendant structure of the section is generated, the section is generated.
    • If no descendant structure is generated, the section is not generated.
    Note: For more information about structure elements which support this option, see Formatting and Filtering Options.