Properties for the Derivation Traceability Matrix Report

These properties specify the content and display of the Derivation Traceability Matrix Report in Traceable Requirements Management.

For more information, see Configuring the Derivation Traceability Matrix Report.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Requirement.Requirement.ReportNumber2.NameSpecifies the string resource key used to show the name of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from Requirements.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Requirement.Requirement.ReportNumber2.DescSpecifies the string resource key used to show the description of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from Requirements.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Requirement.Requirement.Report2.HeaderSpecifies the string resource key used to show the header of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from Requirements.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Specification.Requirement.Report4.NameSpecifies the string resource key used to show the name of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from Requirement Specification and the specification structure.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Requirement.Requirement.Report4.DescSpecifies the string resource key used to show the description of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from Requirement Specification and the specification structure.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.Product.Requirement.Report1.HeaderSpecifies the string resource key used to show the heading of the report in the Traceability Options dialog box when invoked from product requirements.String resource key
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.DerivedRequirementsOnly.ExpandLevelsSpecifies the available expand levels in the list box for the report.Integer between 0 and 5
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.DerivedRequirementsOnly.SpecMissing.ColorSpecifies the color of the cell for missing specification information for the corresponding downstream requirement.Named colors or hexidecimal values
emxRequirements.TraceabilityReport.DerivedRequirementsOnly.ShowTypeIconIndicates whether the type icons should be displayed next to the object names.True or False