Chapter Lifecycle

This lifecycle controls the state of the chapter objects that organize the content in a requirement specification.

The Chapter lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:


In the "Private" state, the Owner or object owner can add other chapters, requirements, and comments as children to the chapter, and the chapter can be used in a requirement specification. The chapter is not visible to other members of the Collaborative Space when it is in this state.

In Work

Chapter objects are created in the "In Work" state. The owner can demote the chapter object to the "Private" state if necessary. In the "In Work" state, Requirements Managers and the Author can add other chapters, requirements, and comments to the chapter, and the chapter can be used in a requirement specification. Any Author can revise the chapter in this state.


In the "Frozen" state, the Leader can modify the chapter. Any Author can revise the chapter in this state.


Any Author can revise the chapter in this state. All child requirements of a chapter must be in the "Released" state before it is possible to promote the chapter to the "Released" state. If all child requirement objects of a chapter are released, and the requirement specification containing the chapter is promoted, the chapter will be automatically promoted to the "Released" state at the same time; however, if a branch in the requirement specification tree contains a requirement, the requirement will not be automatically promoted to the "Released" state (since it must be specifically promoted to that state) and the specification will not be promoted to the "Released" state. If you demote a chapter from the "Released" state to the "In Work" state, any of its child chapter or comment objects are also demoted to the "In Work" state. If the demoted chapter includes a requirement object, that requirement is not demoted from its current state.


Once chapter objects are no longer relevant, they can be promoted to the "Obsolete" state. The object owner can demote the chapter when it is in this state.