Creating an Object Parameter

You can create object parameters in ENOVIA. Object parameters created in ENOVIA are high-level parameters that let you add semantic to the modelers that integrate them (Requirement, Functional, Logical, for example). They have their own lifecycle and can be shared by many users. Like the other parameters (created in CATIA), they have a value, can have bounds, authorized values and can be dimensioned.

Note: To change the parameter dimension, delete the parameter and create another one.

The most commonly used parameter types are the following:

Angledeg, rad
Lengthcm, ft, in, km, m, micron, mile, mm, yard
Massg, kg, lb, mg, oz, T

  • To know how to link a parameter created in CATIA to a PLM parameter, see 3D Modeling Apps: Multi Discipline Automated Engineering: Knowledge Basics: Creating and Working with Parameters: Creating a Parameter Pointing to an Aggregated Parameter.
  • When creating or editing a parameter, you must enter a value and/or a range and/or a multiple value. If no value or range is entered, the parameter cannot be created nor edited and an error message is displayed.

This task shows you how to:

Create an Object Parameter

You can create an object parameter, and then associate it with an object.

  1. With Collaboration and Approvals as the active app, select Parameters .
  2. Enter these details for the new parameter:

    Field NameDescription
    PolicySelect the policy that the parameter will follow from the list.
    Object NameEnter the descriptive title for the parameter.
    TitleEnter a parameter object name or select AutoName.
    OwnerClick to search for and assign an owner for the parameter.
    DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the parameter.
    DimensionSelect the type of parameter from the list.
    Display UnitIf you selected a parameter type that has dimensions, select the display unit for the dimensions from the list.
    RoleLocal identifier.
    PrioritySet the priority between 0 and 5, 0 being the highest priority.
    FunctionSelect whether parameter is assigned a target value (Objective) or not (empty string).

    If you do not select Objective, the parameter is considered as a Specification.

    TypeIf you configured the parameter as Objective, select the type of objective for the parameter's value:
    • Target: The parameter value must be as close as possible to the target value.
    • Minimize: The parameter value must be as low as possible, in case of iterations.
    • Maximize: The parameter value must be as high as possible, in case of iterations.
    Required ProbabilityEnter the probability that the target value will be achieved. Select % if the probability is a percentage.
    Confidence LevelEnter the margin of error for the result to be acceptable. Select % if the margin of error is a percentage.
    Valuation Type

    If you did not set the parameter's Function to Objective, select the type of values that will be recorded for the parameter:

    • None: The parameter will have no values.
    • Simple Value: The parameter will have a single value.
    • Multiple Values: The parameter will have multiple values.

    If you set the parameter's Function to Objective, this type is automatically selected based on the objective Type that you set: Simple Value for Target or None for Minimize and Maximize.

    ValueThis field appears only if:
    • The parameter's Function is Objective and the Type is Target.
    • The parameter's Function is null and the Valuation Type is Simple Value.

    Enter the value of the parameter that should be attained.

    Minimal ValueIf you want to restrict the range of parameter values, enter a minimum value for the parameter. To include the minimal value when listing the parameter, select Include.
    Maximal ValueIf you want to restrict the range of parameter values, enter a maximum value for the parameter. To include the minimal value when listing the parameter, select Include.

    This field only appears if the Valuation Type is Simple Value or Multiple Values.

    If you want to specify the available values for the parameter, enter the value then click + to add the value to the list. Select and value in the list then click - to remove it.

    Minimal ToleranceEnter the minimal tolerance range for the objective nominal value. Values can be relative or absolute.
    Maximal ToleranceEnter the maximal tolerance range for the objective nominal value. Values can be relative or absolute.
    Minimal PrecisionEnter the minimal range of acceptable error for the nominal value. Values can be relative or absolute.
    Maximal PrecisionEnter the maximal range of acceptable error for the nominal value. Values can be relative or absolute.

  3. Click Apply to create another parameter. When finished, click Done.
    The parameter is created.
  4. To associate the parameter with an object, select the parameter from the list.
  5. Select the Where Used category.
  6. Click Connect to Object .
  7. Search for and select the object with which want to associate the parameter, then click Connect.
    The parameter is associated with the object.

Create an Object Parameter for a Requirement, Test Case, or Test Execution

You can create an object parameter that is associated with a requirement, test case, or test execution.

  1. From one of the following contexts, click Add New Parameter :
    • All Parameters tab of the requirement's Properties page
    • Parameters tab of the test case
    • Parameters tab of the test excution
  2. Enter these details for the new parameter:

    Field NameDescription
    PolicySelect the policy that the parameter will follow from the list.
    Object NameEnter the descriptive title for the parameter.
    TitleEnter a parameter object name or select AutoName.
    OwnerClick to search for and assign an owner for the parameter.
    DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the parameter.
    DimensionSelect the type of parameter from the list.
    Display UnitIf you selected a parameter type that has dimensions, select the display unit for the dimensions from the list.
    RoleLocal identifier.
    PrioritySet the priority between 0 and 5, 0 being the highest priority.
    FunctionSelect whether parameter is assigned a target value (Objective) or not (empty string).

    If you do not select Objective, the parameter is considered as a Specification.

    TypeIf you configured the parameter as Objective, select the type of objective for the parameter's value:
    • Target: The parameter value must be as close as possible to the target value.
    • Minimize: The parameter value must be as low as possible, in case of iterations.
    • Maximize: The parameter value must be as high as possible, in case of iterations.
    Required ProbabilityEnter the probability that the target value will be achieved. Select % if the probability is a percentage.
    Confidence LevelEnter the margin of error for the result to be acceptable. Select % if the margin of error is a percentage.
    Valuation Type

    If you did not set the parameter's Function to Objective, select the type of values that will be recorded for the parameter:

    • None: The parameter will have no values.
    • Simple Value: The parameter will have a single value.
    • Multiple Values: The parameter will have multiple values.

    If you set the parameter's Function to Objective, this type is automatically selected based on the objective Type that you set: Simple Value for Target or None for Minimize and Maximize.

    Nominal ValueThis field appears only if:
    • The parameter's Function is Objective and the Type is Target.
    • The parameter's Function is null and the Valuation Type is Simple Value.

    Enter the value of the parameter that should be attained.

    Minimal ValueIf you want to restrict the range of parameter values, enter a minimum value for the parameter. To include the minimal value when listing the parameter, select Include.
    Maximal ValueIf you want to restrict the range of parameter values, enter a maximum value for the parameter. To include the minimal value when listing the parameter, select Include.

    This field only appears if the Valuation Type is Simple Value or Multiple Values.

    If you want to specify the available values for the parameter, enter the value then click + to add the value to the list. Select and value in the list then click - to remove it.

    Minimal ToleranceEnter the minimum of the range of tolerance from the objective nominal value. These can be relative or absolute values.
    Maximal ToleranceEnter the minimum of the range of tolerance from the objective nominal value. These can be relative or absolute values.
    Minimal PrecisionEnter the minimum range of acceptable error from the nominal value. These can be relative or absolute values.
    Maximal PrecisionEnter the maximum range of acceptable error from the nominal value. These can be relative or absolute values.

  3. Click Apply to create another parameter. When you are finished creating all needed parameters, click Done.